Thesis Doctoral : [1858] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1858
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
14-Feb-2023The Application of Forensic Artists to Produce Facial Likenesses from Poor Quality Surveillance ImagesSpiteri, Vanessa Rose ; Porter, Glenn ; Bizo, Lewis ; Wise, Jenny 9-Sep-2024
8-Aug-2024Problems in Accounting and Reporting of Property, Plant and Equipment in New South Wales Local GovernmentIvannikov, Igor ; Dollery, Brian ; Bayerlein, Leopold 15-Aug-2024
8-Aug-2024Irish Convict Marriage in New South Wales, 1788-1850Gleeson, Damian John; Allen, Matthew ; Roberts, David 15-Aug-2024
8-Aug-2024Conservation and Ecology of the Amphibians and Reptiles of BhutanWangyal, Jigme Tshelthrim ; Bower, Deborah ; Thinley, Phuntsho ; Vernes, Karl 15-Aug-2024
10-Jul-2024A Longitudinal Resilience Comparison of Australian Regenerative and Conventional Beef Cattle Production Systems and the Establishment of a Set of Guiding Principles for Regenerative Agriculture in AustraliaGordon, Lorraine Karen Smith ; Kristiansen, Paul ; Baker, Alister ; Williams, Jacqueline ; Cacho, Oscar 23-Jul-2024
10-Jul-2024Farmers' Decision Making to Switch from Rice to More Adaptive and Profitable Systems in the Vietnamese Upper Mekong DeltaLe, Thi Ha Lien; Kristiansen, Paul ; Welch, Mitchell ; Vo, Brenda ; Moss, Jonathan 23-Jul-2024
1-Jul-2024Impact of Human Capital, Economic Globalisation and Innovation on Economic Growth: A RevisitChambra Mundachalil, Jaydadevan; Hoang, Nam ; Yarram, Subba Reddy 17-Jul-2024
1-Jul-2024Integrative Taxonomic Revision of Melichrus R.Br. (Ericaceae Subfam. Epacridoidae)Kennedy, Helen Therese ; Bruhl, Jeremy ; Andrew, Rose ; Crayn, Darren Michael; Telford, Ian Robert Hall 17-Jul-2024
1-Jul-2024The Influence of Pen Space Quantity and Quality on Sheep Welfare in the Context of Australia's Live Export IndustryMayes, Bonnie Taylor ; Tait, Amy ; Taylor, Peta ; Cowley, Frances 17-Jul-2024
1-Jul-2024The Influence of Digital Device Use on Kindergarten Students’ Engagement With Reading: But Are They Really Reading?Coote, Andrew James ; Gregory, Susanne ; Cox, Robyn ; Aspland, Tania16-Jul-2024
17-Jun-2024Psychological Wellbeing and Challenges in the Journey of Rural Cancer Patients and Those That Care for ThemBarnes, Marisa ; Rice, Kylie ; Usher, Kim ; Murray, Clara ; Thorsteinsson, Einar Baldvin 24-Jun-2024
17-Jun-2024Exploring the Brain and Behaviour of a Reverse Keystone Species, The Noisy Miner (Manorina Melanocephala)Farrow, Lucy Florence ; Hamlin, Adam Scott ; McDonald, Paul 21-Jun-2024
17-Jun-2024Diversity and Ecology of Australian Dinosaurs with Insights into Dental EcomorphologyFrauenfelder, Timothy George ; Bell, Philip ; Campione, Nicolas ; Wroe, Stephen 21-Jun-2024
17-Jun-2024Internship Program of Instituto de Formacao Turistica de Macau: An Exploratory StudyCheng, Wan Lok Alan; Haynes, John ; Nye, Adele 20-Jun-2024
17-Jun-2024Exploring adaptive capacity in a co-management regime to develop and maintain a community-based conservation program: a case study of Arnavon Community Marine Park, Solomon IslandsFidali, Kristina Lily ; Argent, Neil ; Larder, Nicolette ; Prior, Julian 20-Jun-2024
17-Jun-2024An Exploration of the English Spoken Language Skills of Iraqi Postgraduate Students Studying in Two Regional Australian Universities: A Functional Linguistics AnalysisAlruhaimi, Dunya Jawad Kadhim; Feez, Susan ; Harper, Helen ; Nye, Adele 20-Jun-2024
17-Jun-2024Disrupting Peace: A Critical Inquiry into Elite Power and the Prevalence of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Conducted by UN PeacekeepersStrungaru, Simona Lisa ; Coghlan, Jo ; Kenny, Christina ; Scott, Alan ; Wise, Jenny 20-Jun-2024
8-Mar-2024Collecting Consequences: A Study on Art Crime and Cultural Heritage Protection IssuesOliveri, Vicki Antonia ; Davies, Chris; James, Pamela; Porter, Glenn 31-May-2024
8-Mar-2024Effect of Agricultural Certification on Smallholder Coffee Producers in VietnamNguyen, Thanh Hien ; Kristiansen, Paul ; Villano, Renato 31-May-2024
8-Mar-2024Integrating Remote Sensing and Weather Variables for Yield Forecasting of Horticultural Tree Crops – A Case Study of Mango in Ghana and AustraliaTorgbor, Adjah Benjamin; Brinkhoff, James ; Rahman, Muhammad Moshiur ; Robson, Andrew ; Sinha, Priyakant 30-May-2024
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1858

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