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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 5234
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
22-Jul-2024Inclusion, Innovation, and AI: Collaboration to support student learning and wellbeing at UNECharteris, Jennifer ; Cosh, Suzanne ; Ridolfo, Harriet; O'Neill, Kristy ; Oluk, Sarah 18-Jan-2025
21-Nov-2023Anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep and goats in FijiKour, Gurdeep ; Silva, Tiago ; Walkden-Brown, Stephen ; Cowley, Fran 15-Jan-2025
Oct-2022Prevalence of gastrointestinal worms in sheep and goat farms in Western and Northern Division of FijiKour, Gurdeep ; Silva, Tiago ; Walkden-Brown, Stephen ; Cowley, Fran 15-Jan-2025
5-Jul-2022Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in small ruminant farms in Western and Northern divisions of FijiKour, Gurdeep ; Cowley, Frances ; Alves Correa Carvalho da Silva, Tiago ; Walkden-Brown, Stephen 14-Jan-2025
May-2024Sex Differences and Age-Related Decline in Absolute Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (CMRO2) ConsumptionWilliams, Rebecca ; Cohen, Alexander; Lebel, R Marc; MacDonald, M Ethan; Wang, Yang; Pike, G Bruce11-Jan-2025
Mar-2019Why Children from Refugee Backgrounds are not Accessing Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Queensland and What We Can Do About ItLamb, Cherie 11-Jan-2025
Sep-2022Effect of exercise on brain metabolism and energetics in PDBevington, C; Williams, R Jayde ; Pike, B; Mckenzie, J; Zhang, J; Luh, W; Stoessl, A J; Sossi, V8-Jan-2025
May-2022Regional variation in the linear relationship between breath-hold cerebrovascular reactivity and BOLD fMRI activationWilliams, Rebecca ; Specht, Jacinta; MacDonald, M Ethan; Pike, G Bruce8-Jan-2025
23-Nov-2024“All things are ready, if our mind be so”: Attitudes to STEM assessment redesign in the age of genAIBridge, Christopher ; Naylor, Ryan; Loch, Birgit 23-Nov-2024
5-May-2024Reliability and validity of Fulltrack AI App to measure cricket ball speed under training conditionsShorter, Kathleen ; Tissera, Kevin; Huynh, Minh; Benson, Amanda23-Nov-2024
23-Nov-2024Rethinking content design for Small 3cp UnitsBugden, Lisa; Bird, Jo ; Mok, Angel 23-Nov-2024
10-Nov-2024Preferred Learning Strategies of Tertiary Students who Experience Success: The Top Five Engagement ‘Basic Elements’ of 2021-2023Harrington, Ingrid ; Volpe, Catherine ; Adlington, Rachael ; O'Neill, Kristy ; Whannell, Robert 18-Nov-2024
1-Aug-2024An Optimised Light Gradient Boosting Machine Model for Setup Time Prediction in Electronic Production LinesChen, Siping; Li, Debiao; Gan, Xiqin; Chiong, Raymond 9-Nov-2024
Jul-2019The implementation of pay equity in Australia: Slippage to gender accommodationNewsome, Lucie 1-Nov-2024
12-Jul-2023A Case Study: Investigating the role of relational capital and reciprocity in an online teacher preparation spaceMain, Katherine; Pendergast, Donna; Exley, Beryl; O'brien, Mia; Du Plessis, Anna 30-Oct-2024
2021Changing Law Education in an Online WorldAdams, Michael ; Chen, Ying 30-Oct-2024
2002Use of random regression models to analyse longitudinal records on weight and gain of growing pigsHuisman, A E; Hermesch, S ; Bennett, C29-Oct-2024
2019Constructing early childhood services as culturally credible trauma recovery environments: Barriers and enablers for refugee familiesLamb, C S 25-Oct-2024
Jul-2008Challenges of Practicing Early Childhood EducationMehana, Majida 25-Oct-2024
Aug-2023Genetic variation of new sheep traits measured by dual energy Xray absorptiometryPayne, CE; Paganoni, B; Walkom, S F ; Gardner, GE; Brown, D J 24-Oct-2024
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 5234

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