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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1265
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
23-Nov-2023Augustine on the Nature of Virtue and SinChambers, Katherine 15-Jul-2024
31-Oct-2023Wild Love: The ambitions of Adelaide Ironside, the first Australian artist to astonish the worldLindsey, Kiera 14-Jul-2024
2012Bring Your Own Technology: The BYOT guide for schools and familiesLee, Mal; Levins, Martin 10-Jul-2024
2020Bat Echolocation Research: A handbook for planning and conducting acoustic studiesFraser, Erin E; Silvis, Alexander; Brigham, R Mark; Czenze, Zenon J 8-Jul-2024
Oct-2024The Cultural Dimensions of PeacebuildingBranagan, Martin 4-Jul-2024
11-Sep-2017The Legal Protection of Refugees with Disabilities: Forgotten and Invisible?Crock, Mary; Smith-Khan, Laura ; McCallum, Ron; Saul, Ben3-Jul-2024
30-Nov-2023The Bloomsbury Handbook to Friedrich FroebelBruce, Tina; Nishida, Yukiyo ; Powell, Sacha; Wasmuth, Helge; Whinnett, Jane27-Jun-2024
2020Pursuing Divinity in Paradise: Reflections on the Epics Ramayana and the MahabharataGoundar, Prashneel R 24-Jun-2024
2017In Simple Words: Selected Writings from 2015-2016Goundar, Prashneel R 24-Jun-2024
2018Pollination using honey beesSomerville, Doug; Frost, Elizabeth Ann 22-Jun-2024
5-Dec-2023Australian Corporate LawHargovan, Anil; Adams, Michael A ; Brown, Catherine J18-Jun-2024
1-Jun-2024Angels in Florentine Iconography and Trecento Musical PerformanceStinson, John Alexander 7-Jun-2024
26-Feb-2024Business and Law in AustraliaParker, David; Ward, Lisa 31-May-2024
7-Sep-2023Primary Mathematics: Integrating Theory with PracticeBaker, Penelope ; Callingham, Rosemary ; Muir, Tracey31-May-2024
13-Jun-2022Student Carers in Higher Education: Navigating, Resisting, and Re-inventing Academic CulturesHook, Genine ; Moreau, Marie-Pierre; Brooks, Rachel31-May-2024
Aug-2023Plumes infatigables: les écrivains prolifiques du Grand SiècleBourque, Bernard 30-May-2024
2020Governance and Societal Adaptation in Fragile StatesLahai, John Idriss ; Ware, Helen 29-May-2024
12-Aug-2020Inclusive Education: Global Issues and ControversiesBoyle, Christopher ; Anderson, Joanna ; Page, Angela ; Mavropoulou, Sofia29-May-2024
2015Intellectual Property: Fourth EditionFitzgerald, Anne Maria ; Eliades, Dimitrios28-May-2024
6-Oct-2021Cognitive Film and Media EthicsMoss-Wellington, Wyatt 27-May-2024
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1265

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages