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Title: The Transformative Potential of Boredom
Contributor(s): McDonald, William  (author)orcid 
Publication Date: 2019-09-23
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-26395-9
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Much of the recent psychological literature on boredom aims to define, categorize, and measure boredom in order to assess it, to identify correlated mental pathologies, to find the psychophysiological bases of boredom, or to apply the findings to specific settings or social groups. This literature uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to seek an objective, scientific understanding of boredom. It presupposes that boredom is an aversive, individual experience, which psychology can help ameliorate, prevent, or divert. By contrast, Kierkegaard uses his methods of 'experimenting psychology' and 'indirect communication' to deploy boredom in awakening his reader to the task of becoming a self. He uses literary devices and exemplary characters to this end. Heidegger pursues a similar aim: to awaken the reader/listener to the possibility of attuning herself to profound boredom in a way that will enable her to become an authentic self (Dasein). Heidegger uses a method of historical, hermeneutic phenomenology to enable his reader to hear the call of being through an attunement to profound boredom. He starts with the familiar experience of boredom, then defamiliarizes his listener to enable an original grasp of the meaning of being.

Publication Type: Book Chapter
Source of Publication: Boredom Is in Your Mind: A Shared Psychological-Philosophical Approach, p. 91-110
Publisher: Springer
Place of Publication: Cham, Switzerland
ISBN: 9783030263959
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 500207 History of ideas
500208 History of philosophy
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 280119 Expanding knowledge in philosophy and religious studies
HERDC Category Description: B1 Chapter in a Scholarly Book
Editor: Editor(s): Josefa Ros Velasco
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter

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