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Title: Mentoring Teachers with a Critical Friend: Transforming Professional Development through Visual Tools
Contributor(s): Betlem, Elisabeth Cato  (author); Brooks, Margaret  (supervisor); Green, Nicole  (supervisor); Auh, Myung-Sook  (supervisor)orcid 
Conferred Date: 2014
Copyright Date: 2014
Open Access: Yes
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Abstract: My research inquiry developed and explored the implementation of a contextualised professional development model for teacher mentors and my role as their critical friend. Participatory action research engaged the mentors and myself in examining, through critical reflection, our knowledge and the interpretative categories we held about mentoring and critical friendship. Social learning theory and Arts-Based Research were employed to describe, interpret and make meaning of our learning and identity development. For researchers, who professionally develop mentors, I concluded with a conceptualisation of the critical friend role. The dissertation was presented as a visual/verbal portfolio incorporating drawing, animations, digital images together with narrative, traditional text and a 'Grab Bag' of visual reflective tools to stimulate self-reflection.
Publication Type: Thesis Doctoral
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 130313 Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators
139999 Education not elsewhere classified
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 390305 Professional education and training
399999 Other education not elsewhere classified
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 930103 Learner Development
Rights Statement: Copyright 2014 - Elisabeth Cato Betlem
HERDC Category Description: T2 Thesis - Doctorate by Research
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Appears in Collections:Thesis Doctoral

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