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Author:  Starkey, Nicola J

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12016Concurrent progressive-ratio and fixed-ratio schedule performance under geometric and arithmetic progressions by brushtail possumsCameron, Kristie E; Clarke, Katrina H; Bizo, Lewis ; Starkey, Nicola J7-Apr-2016
22015Assessing stability of body weight in the brushtail possum ('Trichosurus vulpecula')Cameron, Kristie E; Bizo, Lewis ; Starkey, Nicola J25-May-2015
32015Assessment of demand for food under concurrent PR and FR schedules in the Brushtail Possum ('Trichosurus vulpecula')Cameron, Kristie E; Bizo, Lewis ; Starkey, Nicola J4-Apr-2017
42014The effect of geometric and arithmetic progressions on demand for food under concurrent progressive-ratio and fixed-ratio schedulesCameron, Kristie E; Clarke, Katrina A; Bizo, Lewis ; Starkey, Nicola J7-May-2015
52013Food Preferences of the Brushtail Possum ('Trichosurus vulpecula')Cameron, Kristie E; Bizo, Lewis ; Starkey, Nicola J4-Apr-2017
62012Behavioural Economics of Food Choices of the Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)Cameron, Kristie E; Bizo, Lewis ; Starkey, Nicola J24-May-2017
72011Assessing Possums' Food Preferences and DemandCameron, Kristie E; Bizo, Lewis ; Starkey, Nicola J12-May-2017

Credit Name
Lewis Bizo
Full Name
Bizo, Lewis
Bizo, Lewis A
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
Web of Science profile key
School of Psychology
Faculty of Medicine and Health
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Psychology
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