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Publication Date:  [2000 TO 2009]

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12009Creating next generation rural landscape governanceMartin, Paul ; Williams, Jacqueline ; Kennedy, Amanda L 15-Aug-2013
22009Ecosystem services: a means to diffuse political land use decisions in peri-urban regionsWilliams, Jacqueline ; Martin, Paul 22-Mar-2010
32009Review of 'Water Politics in the Murray Darling Basin' by Daniel Connell: Federation Press, ISBN 9781862876330Williams, Jacqueline 9-Apr-2010
42009Traveston Crossing Dam 2020: Sustainable Infrastructure Delivery: Indicators Project OverviewWilliams, Jacqueline 21-Apr-2010
52008Success Attributes Of Regional Natural Resource ManagementWilliams, Jacqueline ; Beeton, R J S; McDonald, G T30-Nov-2009
62008Transaction costs and water reform: the devils hiding in the detailsMartin, Paul ; Williams, Jacqueline ; Stone, Christopher 15-Dec-2014

Credit Name
Jacqueline Williams
Full Name
Williams, Jacqueline
UNE Researcher ID
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science profile key
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
Institute for Rural Futures
School of Law
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