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Title: Boron contents and solubility in Australian fly ashes and its uptake by canola ('Brassica napus' L.) from the ash-amended soils
Contributor(s): Manoharan, V (author); Yunusa, Isa  (author); Loganathan, P (author); Lawrie, R (author); Murray, BR (author); Skilbeck, CG (author); Eamus, D (author)
Publication Date: 2010
DOI: 10.1071/SR10073
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Abstract: Phytotoxicity due to excessive boron (B) uptake by plants impedes routine agronomic utilisation of coal fly ash. We assessed 11 fly ashes (pH 3.14-10.77) having total B content (Bt) of 12-136 mg/kg, of which 20-30% was hot water soluble (Bs) in the acidic ashes (pH <5) and 5-10% in the alkaline ashes, for their potential to supply B to plants and their risk associated with phytotoxicity. We found the Bs/Bt to be negatively correlated (R² = 0.63**, N = 11) with ash pH. We conducted two pot trials in which canola was grown in soils amended with fly ash. In the first trial, an alkaline fly ash (Bt 66 mg/kg) was incorporated at 5 rates of up to 625 Mg/ha into the top 50 mm of 2 acidic soils in 0.30-m-long intact cores, and sown with canola. Boron concentration in leaves at flowering reached the phytotoxic threshold, and both plant growth and seed yield were reduced, only at 625 Mg/ha. In the second trial, 4 fly ashes (pH 3.29-10.77, Bt 12-127 mg/kg) were incorporated at 4 rates of up to 108 Mg/ha into the top 0.10 m of 2 acidic soils in 1.0-m-long intact cores and then sown with canola. Ashes with highest Bt, when applied at 108 Mg/ha, increased B concentration in the topsoil only. Of the 2 ashes with the highest Bt, only that which produced low soil pH and applied at 108 Mg/ha increased B concentration in the shoot, but was still below phytotoxic threshold. The results suggest that B derived from these ashes may not cause phytotoxicity and excessive soil B accumulation if the ashes are applied at modest rates (<36 Mg/ha) to the topsoil layers.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: Australian Journal of Soil Research, 48(5), p. 480-487
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Place of Publication: Australia
ISSN: 0004-9573
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 050299 Environmental Science and Management not elsewhere classified
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 960699 Environmental and Natural Resource Evaluation not elsewhere classified
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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