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Title: Towards the development of nematode-specific protein expression systems.
Contributor(s): Sewell, Vanessa  (creator); Andronicos, Nicholas  (supervisor)orcid ; Ketheesan, Natkunam  (supervisor)orcid 
Publication Date: 2024-10-10
Open Access: Yes
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Abstract/Context: Data relating to the thesis "Towards the development of nematode-specific protein expression systems."

Chapter 2
Haemoglobin digestion data showing H-gal-GP digestion on bovine Hb across time.
Homology modelling data from modelling software predicting quaternary structure of H-gal-GP

Chapter 3
Nematode in vitro translation with GFP data - RFU emission (C. elegans and T. colubriformis)
Bradford assays of C. elegans and T. colubriformis lysates showing concentration
LC-LC/MS data from protein expression (TcADES4) using T. colubriformis in vitro translation system

Chapter 4
Raw flow cytometry data for RFP transfection of isolated C. elegans cells
Raw flow cytometry data for zombie dye of C. elegans cells post thawing from liquid N2
Raw flow cytometry data for cell proliferation assay of transfected C. elegans cells
Raw flow cytometry data of C. elegans cell size at different centrifugation speeds.
Data for tables of chapter
Publication Type: Dataset
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 300909 Veterinary parasitology
310902 Animal cell and molecular biology
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 241601 Veterinary biological preventatives
Keywords: Expression system
Gastrointestinal nematodes
Location: Armidale, NSW, Australia
HERDC Category Description: X Dataset
Project: Towards the development of nematode-specific protein expression systems.
Dataset Managed By: Vanessa Sewell
Rights Holder: Vanessa Sewell
Dataset Stored at: University of New England
Primary Contact Details: Vanessa Sewell -
Dataset Custodian Details: Vanessa Sewell -
Appears in Collections:Dataset

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