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Title: Subkultur dan Perlawanan Anak Muda Underground
English Title: Subculture and the Transformation of Youth Resistance in the Underground Scene
Contributor(s): Saefullah, Hikmawan  (author)orcid 
Publication Date: 2022-11-25
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Pasca-Reformasi mengubah ideologi anak muda underground yang sebelumnya berorientasi sekuler, progresif, dan bahkan kiri, menjadi konservatisme Islam dan Islamisme sayap kanan. Berbeda dengan berbagai penelitian dan analisis sebelumnya yang cenderung mengabaikan anak muda dan hanya menyoroti organisasi-organisasi keagamaan formal dalam penyebaran kecenderungan konservatisme Islam, artikel ini berupaya menjelaskan struktur sosial dan kondisi material yang memengaruhi perubahan ideologis anak-anak muda, khususnya mereka yang tumbuh besar dalam lingkungan komunitas underground. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi perubahan tersebut, antara lain, seperti kekecewaan dan demoralisasi karena stagnasi politik di masa pasca-Soeharto, penindasan berkelanjutan terhadap dan kooptasi aktivis kiri oleh negara dan kelompok sayap kanan, komersialisasi praktik-praktik subkultur underground, ketimpangan sosial, kurangnya akses pada ekonomi yang layak, polarisasi, fragmentasi, nihilisme, dan stagnasi dalam skena musik underground.

Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: Prisma: Jurnal Pemikiran Sosial Ekonomi, 41(1), p. 103-114
Publisher: P.T. Pustaka LP3ES
Place of Publication: Indonesia
ISSN: 0301-6269
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 4702 Cultural Studies
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
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English Abstract: 

The Post-Reformasi era transformed the ideology of underground youth, which was previously secular, progressive, and even leftist, into Islamic conservatism and right-wing Islamism. Unlike the existing research and analyses that tended to overlook youth and focus solely on formal religious organisations in the rise of Islamic conservatism, this article seeks to explain the social structures and material conditions that influenced the ideological shifts of young people, specifically those who grew up within underground communities. The factors driving these changes include disillusionment and demoralization caused by political stagnation in the post-Soeharto era, ongoing repression and co-optation of leftist activists by the state and right-wing groups, the commercialization of underground subcultural practices, social inequality, lack of access to decent economic opportunities, polarization, fragmentation, nihilism, and the underground music scene's inability to adapt with the new socio-economic environments.

Appears in Collections:Journal Article
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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