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Title: Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners
Contributor(s): Allan, Sonia  (author)orcid 
Publication Date: 2019-07-30
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Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners will appeal to undergraduate nursing and allied health students seeking to understand and comply with the legal, ethical and regulatory requirements of their profession.

The text addresses law and ethics across eight health science disciplines, presenting discipline-specific scenarios to support students in their clinical decision making.

-Introduces the fundamental concepts and frameworks of Australia's legal and health systems with clear examples Discusses essential healthcare issues, including advance care planning, child and elder abuse and professional registration

-Focuses on models of ethical decision making

-Outlines professional codes of practice and guidelines to help meet professional regulatory requirements

-Encourages reflection on clinical practice through review questions and activities

-Includes an eBook with all print purchases

Publication Type: Book
Publisher: Elsevier
Place of Publication: The Netherlands
ISBN: 9780729587297
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 480412 Medical and health law
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 280117 Expanding knowledge in law and legal studies
HERDC Category Description: A1 Authored Book - Scholarly
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Extent of Pages: 274
Appears in Collections:Book
School of Law

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