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Title: From What We Know to How We Use It: Five Principles for Turning Entrepreneurship Research into Practitioner Action Guidelines
Contributor(s): Hindle, Kevin (author); Anderson, Robert B (author); Gibson, Brian  (author)
Publication Date: 2004
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Abstract: This paper introduces a "third stream" of publication, that will appear in the 'Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship' ('JSBE'), the journal of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship/Conseil Canadien des PME et de l'entrepreneuriat (CCSBE/CCPME), and in 'Small Enterprise Research' ('SER'), the journal of the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ). In this stream-founding paper it is argued that entrepreneurship researchers, currently, do not place sufficient emphasis on making their research findings relevant to entrepreneurs and their advisors, educators and those working in government on policy and programs. The paper then presents five general principles for turning entrepreneurship research findings into practical action guidelines for practitioners. The piece ends with a description of a new section to appear in both 'JSBE' and 'SER' beginning with this issue.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 17(4), p. 261-266
Publisher: University of Regina, Faculty of Administration
Place of Publication: Canada
ISSN: 2169-2610
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 150314 Small Business Management
150304 Entrepreneurship
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 910203 Industrial Organisations
910402 Management
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
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Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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