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Title: | Invest in the Future of Education: Building a stable and quality beginning teacher workforce |
Contributor(s): | Du Plessis, Anna Elizabeth (author) ; Hoang, N (author); Wang, J (author); Schmidt, A (author); Mertens, L (author); Cullinan, M (author); Cameron, V (author) |
Publication Date: | 2018 |
Handle Link: | |
Abstract: | | The purpose of this study was to search for new knowledge to inform beginning teacher (1-5 years experience)
retention strategies that will improve the stabilization of the beginning teacher workforce. The objective of
the Beginning Teacher Workforce investigation was to examine the perceptions of beginning teachers and
their school leaders with a focus on their lived experiences and expectations. Gadamer (1976) stated that
‘truth becomes the adjustment of the entity “judgment” to the entity “object”’ and further claimed that ‘truth
is transformed from an event of disclosure in which beings stand out to information residing in the adequate
representation of beings’ (p. I). The report gives beginning teachers and school leaders a voice through
sharing their truths as they were found in the field.
Publication Type: | Report |
Publisher: | Australian Catholic University |
Place of Publication: | North Sydney |
ISBN: | 9781922097668 9781922097651 |
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: | 390403 Educational administration, management and leadership |
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: | 160206 Workforce transition and employment |
HERDC Category Description: | R1 Report |
WorldCat record: | |
Extent of Pages: | 126 |
Appears in Collections: | Report School of Education
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