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Title: A day in the life of a HAPL
Contributor(s): Thraves, Genevieve  (creator)orcid ; Anderson, Joanna  (creator)orcid ; Charteris, Jennifer  (creator)orcid ; Gregory, Susanne  (creator)orcid 
Corporate Author: Verso Design: Australia
VIC Department of Education
Publication Date: 2021-10-11
Open Access: Yes
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Open Access Link: Access Link
Abstract: In this video, the High-Ability Practice Leader (HAPL) at Tarneit Rise Primary School details how she has enacted her HAPL role. The focus of the video is on demonstrating the scope and possibilities of the HAPL role.
Publication Type: Recorded/rendered Creative Works - Audio/visual Recording
Publisher: VIC Department of Education
Place of Publication: Melbourne, Australia
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 390407 Inclusive education
390102 Curriculum and pedagogy theory and development
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 160203 Inclusive education
160302 Pedagogy
Format: 8 minutes and 18 seconds
HERDC Category Description: Z10 Recorded/Rendered creative works - Audio/Visual recording
Type of Work: Audio-visual recording
Medium of Distribution: Audio-Visual
Appears in Collections:Recorded/rendered Creative Works - Audio/visual Recording
School of Education

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