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    Journal Article
    Highlighting real-time mother-infant participation and attention supportive behaviours: Proposing implications for purposeful educator-infant interactions
    (Sage Publications Ltd) ;
    Madanipour, Parian

    The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia V2.0 (EYLF; AGDE, 2022) guides education and care for children aged from birth to five years. This second version of the EYLF draws attention to children’s executive functions (EFs). However, the impact of the inclusion of EFs on pedagogy with children aged under three years has received little research attention. We reveal fine-grained interactional phenomena within a mother-infant dyad interaction and demonstrate how the mother’s conversational turns facilitate the three-month-old infant’s autonomous participation and sustained attention throughout a collaborative, co-constructed interaction. We highlight the sequential organisation of turns, carefully orchestrated by the mother, that creates opportunities for the infant to contribute to the back-and-forth interaction. We propose that early childhood educators could purposefully replicate some of the highlighted adult interactions in their talk-ininteraction with infants, as these create opportunities for infants to achieve sustained attention that may facilitate the emergence of EFs.

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    Entry In Reference Work
    Sustainable Business Strategy
    (Elsevier, 2024)

    Sustainability has increasingly become a strategic focus of businesses that intend to remain profitable and pertinent in the contemporary operating environment. A Sustainable Business Strategy (SBS) advances the profitability and sustainable development nexus and is concerned with two key priorities: a) ensuring the viability and competitive edge of the business itself (inward focus) and b) contributing towards broader economic, environmental, and social well-being (outward focus). Achieving these two-pronged priorities warrants businesses to ensure alignment between strategic position, strategic choice, and strategic implementation.

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    Book Chapter
    A Comparative Analysis of Critical Skill Shortages and Sustainable Development Nexus: Concluding Remarks
    (Routledge, 2025)
    Nankervis, Alan
    Burgess, John

    This chapter provides a comparative summary and analysis of the key findings in this book. It reveals both similarities and differences in how critical skills shortages (CSS) is recognised, the nature of the challenges of CSS in the diverse countries included from the Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions, and the plethora of government and private sector strategies, policies, and plans adopted in response to these challenges. The issue of CSS presents a particular dilemma due to the divide in terms of the inflow and outflow of labour between developed and developing countries. The country case studies in this volume suggest that more resources and efforts will be needed to address the multifaceted challenges of CSS. A series of practical suggestions are included for all stakeholders involved in mitigating or minimising CSS to consider in their attempts to address SDGs.

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    Book Chapter
    Critical Labour Shortages in the Nepalese Tourism andHospitality Sector: Strategic Implications
    (Routledge, 2025) ;
    Brown, Kerry

    The tourism and hospitality sector (THS) is playing a catalytic role in developing economies to achieve the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), forming part of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. SDG #8, which promotes decent work/productive employment, provides an appropriate lens to advance a critical understanding of the contribution of THS in countries like Nepal. The country is an interesting case for two reasons. First, Nepal is recovering from several major crises in the past two decades, namely the 1996–2006 armed conflict, the 2015 Earthquake, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, Nepal relies heavily on tourism, contributing 7.5% to the GDP and accounting for one in eight direct jobs before the pandemic. However, despite labour being one of Nepal’s main exports, critical labour shortages (CLS) are experienced within the THS. This contradiction between exporting labour and facing labour shortages in Nepal has received little attention in the context of reviving the THS in a post-pandemic era. This chapter responds to this gap and analyses stakeholders’ perspectives using online media reports. Based on the findings that overcoming the CLS will be challenging due to the limited employment opportunities, inadequate education and training, and increasing outbound migration, the chapter ends with a discussion on strategic implications as a way forward in the context of SDG #8.

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    Book Chapter
    Local Tourism Businesses in the Digital Era: Implications for Bridging the Critical Skills Gap in Indonesia
    (Routledge, 2025) ;
    Tjokro, Saskia

    The travel and tourism industry (TTI) is considered one of the main drivers for achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a part of the United Nations (UN) 2030 agenda. This study focuses on the Indonesian TTI, including the accommodation and food services and the transport, postal, and warehousing sectors—considered one of the main drivers of economic growth in the digital era. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the associated innovation and digitisation technologies have emerged as crucial industry priorities in the post-pandemic digital era. However, although an inability to bridge the critical skills gaps can adversely impact local tourism businesses (LTBs), the unfolding implications of the 4IR related on the TTI remain underexplored. This chapter responds to this gap. It draws on the strategic human resource management (SHRM) perspective and utilises findings from an online survey (n = 147) and interviews (n = 11). The contributions of this chapter are twofold. First, it highlights workforce-related challenges associated with the uptake of digital technologies. Second, it demonstrates the need for TTI-specific policy initiatives to bridge the critical skills gap in the digital era.

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    Conference Publication
    Orgasmic Gushing: where does the fluid come from and how is it produced?
    (Women in Research (WiR), 2005)
    O'Brien, GM
    There are three sexual fluids from women: lubrication (e.g. transudation of fluid across the mucosa of the vagina, and mucus from the greater vestibular glands); female ejaculation (from paraurethral glands); and gushing. Orthodox western medicine and physiology does not yet have a standardized description or explanation for the third, gushing. The present paper proposes that the gushing fluid is a filtrate of plasma, produced by the mechanism known as transudation. This is an additional application for the transudation mechanism, after the well accepted roles in lubrication of the vagina, and in generating serous fluids. The present model proposes that the fluid released in a gush arises from the ventral wall of the vagina due to the presence there of increased surface area of mucosa, dilated arterioles, pressurized venous and lymphatic plexuses, and compression provided by muscle contraction during orgasm.
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    Mapping Long Term Changes in Mangrove Cover and Predictions of Future Change under Different Climate Change Scenarios in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh
    Ghosh, Manoj Kumer
    Ground-based readings of temperature and rainfall, satellite imagery, aerial photographs, ground verification data and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used in this study. Ground-based meteorological information was obtained from Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) for the period 1977 to 2015 and was used to determine the trends of rainfall and temperature in this thesis. Satellite images obtained from the US Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) website ( in four time periods were analysed to assess the dynamics of mangrove population at species level. Remote sensing techniques, as a solution to lack of spatial data at a relevant scale and difficulty in accessing the mangroves for field survey and also as an alternative to the traditional methods were used in monitoring of the changes in mangrove species composition, . To identify mangrove forests, a number of satellite sensors have been used, including Landsat TM/ETM/OLI, SPOT, CBERS, SIR, ASTER, and IKONOS and Quick Bird. The use of conventional medium-resolution remote sensor data (e.g., Landsat TM, ASTER, SPOT) in the identification of different mangrove species remains a challenging task. In many developing countries, the high cost of acquiring high- resolution satellite imagery excludes its routine use. The free availability of archived images enables the development of useful techniques in its use and therefor Landsat imagery were used in this study for mangrove species classification. Satellite imagery used in this study includes: Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) of 57 m resolution acquired on 1st February 1977, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) of 28.5 m resolution acquired on 5th February 1989, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) of 28.5 m resolution acquired on 28th February 2000 and Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) of 30 m resolution acquired on 4th February 2015. To study tidal channel dynamics of the study area, aerial photographs from 1974 and 2011, and a satellite image from 2017 were used. Satellite images from 1974 with good spatial resolution of the area were not available, and therefore aerial photographs of comparatively high and fine resolution were considered adequate to obtain information on tidal channel dynamics. Although high-resolution satellite imagery was available for 2011, aerial photographs were used for this study due to their effectiveness in terms of cost and also ease of comparison with the 1974 photographs. The aerial photographs were sourced from the Survey of Bangladesh (SOB). The Sentinel-2 satellite image from 2017 was downloaded from the European Space Agency (ESA) website ( In this research, elevation data acts as the main parameter in the determination of the sea level rise (SLR) impacts on the spatial distribution of the future mangrove species of the Bangladesh Sundarbans. High resolution elevation data is essential for this kind of research where every centimeter counts due to the low-lying characteristics of the study area. The high resolution (less than 1m vertical error) DEM data used in this study was obtained from Water Resources Planning Organization (WRPO), Bangladesh. The elevation information used to construct the DEM was originally collected by a Finnish consulting firm known as FINNMAP in 1991 for the Bangladesh government.
      48123  50
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    Conference Publication
    Reinforced Behavioral Variability and Sequence Learning Across Species
    (Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), 2012)
    Doolan, Kathleen
    McEwan, James
    Previous research shows that reinforcement of variable responding will facilitate sequence learning in rats (Neuringer, Deiss & Olson, 2000) but may interfere with sequence learning in humans (Maes & van der Goot, 2006). The present study aimed to replicate and extend previous research by assessing the role of behavioral variability in the learning of difficult target sequences across 3 species: humans (n = 60), hens (n = 18) and possums (n = 6). Participants were randomly allocated to one of three experimental conditions (Control, Variable, Any). In the Control conditions sequences were only reinforced if they were the target sequence, in the Variability conditions sequences were concurrently reinforced on a Variable Interval 60-s schedule if the just entered sequence met a variability criterion, and in the Any condition sequences were concurrently reinforced on a Variable Interval 60-s schedule for any sequence entered. The results support previous findings with animals and humans; hens and possums were more likely to learn the target sequence in the Variability condition, and human participants were more likely to learn the target sequence in the Control condition. Possible explanations for differences between the performance of humans and animals on this task will be discussed.
      39860  1
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    Open Access
    The drivers and consequences of change to the physical character of waterholes on an Australian dryland river
    This dataset provides all the raw and analysed data for the thesis titled 'The drivers and consequences of change to the physical character of waterholes on an Australian dryland river'.
    The data has been divided into four folders that are aligned with the data chapters for the thesis. These being: (Ch 2) waterhole mapping, (Ch 3) floodplain gullies, (Ch 4) sediment transport and (Ch 5) fish.
    A README file is provided for each chapter which contains a description of the individual datasets and a list of files that make up each dataset.
    The data in this archive is a combination of data obtained from desktop studies as well as field work on the Darling River (i.e., the fish data).
    Further, fish data were collected on the Darling River between Bourke and Wilcannia. Waterhole mapping was undertaken on the Barwon-Darling between Walgett and Wilcannia. Gully mapping was undertaken on the Barwon-Darling River between Mungindi and Wilcannia. Sediment transport capacity was assessed at five sites between Collarenebri and Tilpa.
      37658  1746
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    Open Access
    Journal Article
    A Review into Effective Classroom Management and Strategies for Student Engagement: Teacher and Student Roles in Today’s Classrooms
    (Redfame Publishing Inc, 2019-12)
    Franklin, Hayley
    A teacher's role encompasses far more than just imparting curricula outcomes to their students: they need to equip students with the necessary tools to experience social and academic success both inside the classroom and beyond it. Teachers need to empower students with the means to critically analyse the world around them in order to develop into critical independent thinkers. Students need to be proficient in utilising skills associated with higher levels of thinking, that will empower them with the ability to identify, analyse and evaluate the infinite volume of information available through our rapidly changing digital world. Just as teachers need to take responsibility for the various methods of teaching and instruction in the classroom, it is essential for students to take ownership of the learning process, to ensure future success in university environments, where sustained personal effort and metacognitive skills are fundamental to academic success. The object of the review of the literature surrounding the roles of teacher and student, effective classroom management strategies, and successful evidence-based teaching and learning pedagogies, is to assist new and experienced teachers in the promotion of a positive classroom experience for all.
      28263  22966