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Title: Théâtre complet - Tome V
English Title: Complete Dramatic Works - Volume V
Contributor(s): Corneille, Thomas (author); Gossip, Christopher  (editor)orcid ; Minel, Emmanuel (editor); Le Chevalier, Gaël (editor); Dumas, Catherine (editor); Gethner, Perry (editor)
Publication Date: 2018
DOI: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-06322-3
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Publication Type: Book
Publisher: Classiques Garnier
Place of Publication: Paris, France
ISBN: 9782406063209
Fields of Research (FOR) 2008: 200511 Literature in French
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 470516 Literature in French
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 970119 Expanding Knowledge through Studies of the Creative Arts and Writing
970120 Expanding Knowledge in Language, Communication and Culture
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 280122 Expanding knowledge in creative arts and writing studies
280116 Expanding knowledge in language, communication and culture
280114 Expanding knowledge in Indigenous studies
HERDC Category Description: A3 Book - Edited
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Extent of Pages: 734
Series Name: French Theatre Library
Series Number : 46
English Abstract: Thomas Corneille tried his hands at all theatrical genres: comedies, tragedies, tragi-comedies, librettos, spectacles. The fifth volume of a Théâtre complet in nine volumes brings out his loyalty to traditional norms and his striking flexibility as a dramatist.
Description: General director: Gossip (Christopher)
Scientific editors: Minel (Emmanuel), Le Chevalier (Gaël), Dumas (Catherine), Gethner (Perry)
Appears in Collections:Book
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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