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Title: Bulldozer
Contributor(s): Van Luyn, Ariella  (creator)orcid 
Publication Date: 2015
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Abstract: Bulldozer revives Thea Astley’s imaginary tropical landscape of North Queensland. As Cheryl Taylor (2005) observes, Astley takes a critical approach to the culture and history of the region while at the same time delighting in its perceived fecundity and capacity for human renewal. Such depictions of the wet tropics undermine traditionally masculine national narratives of the bush and beach. In ‘Bulldozer’, the non-normative protagonist is driven from a violent domestic relationship by a proliferation of mould; in this surreal intervention, the landscape takes an active role in undermining narratives of victimhood for neurodiverse protagonists.
Publication Type: Original Creative Works - Textual Work
Source of Publication: p. 1-13
Publisher: Spineless Wonders
Place of Publication: Sydney, Australia
ISBN: 1230002273020
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 360201 Creative writing (incl. scriptwriting)
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 139999 Other culture and society not elsewhere classified
Format: 15 pages
HERDC Category Description: Z4 Original creative works - Textual work
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Description: Shortlisted for the Carmel Bird Award 2014.
Type of Work: Short Story
Medium of Distribution: Textual
Appears in Collections:Original Creative Works - Textual Work
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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