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Title: Teaching History for the Contemporary World: Tensions, Challenges and Classroom Experiences in Higher Education
Contributor(s): Nye, Adele  (editor)orcid ; Jennifer Clark (editor)
Publication Date: 2021
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-0247-4
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Abstract: This book brings together history educators from Australia and around the world to tell their own personal stories and how they approach teaching history in the context of contemporary tensions in the classroom. It encourages historians to think actively about how history in the classroom can play a role in helping students to make sense of their world and to act honourably within it.
The contributors come from diverse backgrounds and include experienced history educators and early career academics. They showcase both a mix of approaches and democratize and decolonize the academy. The book blends theory and practice. It reflects on what is happening in the classroom and supports the discipline to understanding itself better, to improve upon its practices and to engage in academic discussion about the responsibility of teaching in the contemporary world.
Publication Type: Book
Publisher: Springer
Place of Publication: Singapore
ISBN: 9789811602474
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 390303 Higher education
390107 Humanities and social sciences curriculum and pedagogy (excl. economics, business and management)
390401 Comparative and cross-cultural education
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 160102 Higher education
160302 Pedagogy
HERDC Category Description: A3 Book - Edited
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