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Title: Blackberry Nightshade (Solanum nigrum): Weed management guide for Australian vegetable production
Contributor(s): Coleman, Michael  (author); Kristiansen, Paul  (author)orcid ; Sindel, Brian  (author)orcid ; Fyfe, Christine  (author)
Corporate Author: Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited
Publication Date: 2020-02
Open Access: Yes
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Open Access Link: Access Link
Abstract: Blackberry nightshade can vary widely in its growth form, with stems either erect or spreading and occasionally prostrate. Stems are smooth or very sparsely hairy, becoming woody with age. Plants are usually considerably branched with fully mature (flowering) specimens regularly observed at as little as 10 cm in height. Leaves are elliptic to oval with pointed tips, 3 to 7 cm in length, sometimes edged with coarse irregular teeth and wavy margins, and generally dark green to purple-green in colour. Flowers are white with five petals fused at the base with yellow centres, 8 to 12 mm across. The fruit is between 5 and 13 mm in diameter, a shiny berry that is dark green when initially produced and changing to purple-black when ripe.
Publication Type: Book
Publisher: University of New England
Place of Publication: Armidale, Australia
Fields of Research (FOR) 2008: 070308 Crop and Pasture Protection (Pests, Diseases and Weeds)
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 300202 Agricultural land management
300409 Crop and pasture protection (incl. pests, diseases and weeds)
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 820215 Vegetables
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 260505 Field grown vegetable crops
260512 Protected vegetable crops
HERDC Category Description: A2 Authored Book - Other
Extent of Pages: 12
Appears in Collections:Book
School of Environmental and Rural Science

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