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Title: Methods and consequences of including feed intake and efficiency in genetic selection for multiple-trait merit
Contributor(s): Barwick, Stephen A  (author); Henzell, Anthony L  (author); Walmsley, Brad J  (author)orcid ; Johnston, David J  (author)orcid ; Banks, Robert G  (author)orcid 
Publication Date: 2018-05
Early Online Version: 2018-02-24
DOI: 10.1093/jas/sky049
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Abstract: Methods are presented for including feed intake and efficiency in genetic selection for multiple-trait merit when commercial production is from any combination of pasture or concentrates. Consequences for the production system and for individual animals are illustrated with a beef cattle example. Residual feed intake at pasture (RFI-p), residual feed intake in the feedlot (RFI-f), and cow condition score are additional traits of the breeding objective. Feed requirement change is costed in the economic values of other objective traits. Selection responses are examined when feed costs are ignored, partially or fully included in the breeding objective, and when net feed intake (NFI) EBVs are added to the index. When all feed cost was included and NFI EBVs were in the index, selection (with selection intensity, i = 1) increased production system $ net return by 6.0%, $ per unit of product by 5.2%, $ per unit of feed by 6.6%, total product by 0.7% and product per unit of feed by 1.3%. There was little change in production system total feed. When feed cost was ignored, selection decreased production system $ net return, $ per unit of product, and $ per unit of feed. At the individual trait level, when feed was fully included there were increases in weaning weight-direct (0.8 kg), feedlot entry weight (1.4 kg), dressing % (0.04%), carcass meat % (0.36%), carcase fat depth (0.12 mm), carcass marbling score (0.02 score), cow condition score (0.01 score), calving ease-direct (0.97%), calving ease-maternal (0.22%) and cow weaning rate (1.3%), and decreases in weaning weight-maternal (-0.9 kg), RFI-p (-0.09 kg DM/d), RFI-f (-0.11 kg DM/d), sale weight (-1.6 kg) and cow weight (-8.7 kg). Gains were evident over a range of feed price. Selection for $ net return also increased $ net return per unit of feed, suggesting that $ net return per unit area would increase in grazing industries. Feed cost for trait change was the source of a major genotype x environment interaction affecting animal rankings. Where industry production environments vary, and feed cost for trait change varies with the environment, we recommend that industry indexes be derived for more than one level of feed cost. Cow condition score did not decline while biological and economic efficiency of the production system and individual animal were improving, suggesting that efficiency can be improved under multiple-trait selection without compromising breeding cow welfare.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: Journal of Animal Science, 96(5), p. 1600-1616
Publisher: American Society of Animal Science
Place of Publication: United States of America
ISSN: 1525-3163
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 070201 Animal Breeding
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 300305 Animal reproduction and breeding
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 830301 Beef Cattle
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 100401 Beef cattle
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
Appears in Collections:Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU)
Journal Article

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