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Title: Tendenzen in der Gesetzgebung Marc Aurels am Beispiel des Erb- und Familienrechts. Zum Kontext des Senatusconsultum Orfitianum
English Title: Trends in Legislation under Marcus Aurelius Using The Example of Inheritance Law: On the Context of the Senatusconsultum Orfitianum
Contributor(s): Koehn, Clemens  (author)orcid 
Publication Date: 2017
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Abstract: Ob die Kindesangelegenheiten betreffende Gesetzgebung Marc Aurels primar mit seiner philosophischen Bildung in Verbindung zu bringen ist, mag dahingestellt bleiben. Zumindest kann festgehalten werden, dass Marc Aurel die Rechte von Kindern in besonderer Weise gestarkt hat. Auch wenn er letztlich in seiner Erbrechtsgesetzgebung dem generellen Trend der Antoninenzeit folgte, namlich das cognatische Prinzip gegenuber dem agnatischen zu starken und vor allem die patria potestas aufzuweichen, so ist er doch derjenige, der diesen Trend durch eine Reihe von gesetzgeberischen MaBnahmen noch einmal erheblich forciert hat, wie die vorliegenden Ausfuhrungen uber das bei Johannes Malalas uberlieferte Erbrechtsgesetz Marc Aurels, das in den Digesten erwahnte edictum de bonorum possessione liberis danda und das SC Orfitianum deutlich machen sollten. Obgleich letzteres als das bekannteste Gesetz Marc Aurels in Erbrechtsfragen gilt, stellt es nur eine logische Erganzung zu einer umfangreicheren gesetzlichen Regelung in Form des Edikts von 176 dar, mit welcher der Kaiser insgesamt Kindern den Zugriff auf das Erbe ihrer testamentslos verstorbenen Eltern zu erleichtern suchte.
Publication Type: Book Chapter
Source of Publication: Marc Aure l- Wege zu seiner Herrschaft, p. 307-323
Publisher: Computus Druck Satz & Verlag
Place of Publication: Gutenberg, Germany
ISBN: 9783940598271
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 210306 Classical Greek and Roman History
220204 History and Philosophy of Law and Justice
200526 Stylistics and Textual Analysis
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 430305 Classical Greek and roman history
500202 History and philosophy of law and justice
470530 Stylistics and textual analysis
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 970121 Expanding Knowledge in History and Archaeology
970118 Expanding Knowledge in Law and Legal Studies
950504 Understanding Europe's Past
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 130704 Understanding Europe’s past
280113 Expanding knowledge in history, heritage and archaeology
HERDC Category Description: B1 Chapter in a Scholarly Book
WorldCat record:
English Abstract: Though Polybius wrote his Histories in a style, which at expense of readability was rather complex and acribic, he kept himself within the boundaries of the Hellenistic literary style, therefore the idea of a special ‘chancellery’ style must be abandoned. Yet since the epigraphical prose style developed distinctive features in Hellenistic times, as shown by Jonas Palm, one cannot exclude the possibility that those features had a certain influence on contemporary historiography. Direct influence can be shown in the way the word ‘stele’ is used, which plays a prominent role in Polybius’ narrative on the Achaean policy of unifying the Peloponnesus in the 2nd century BCE. This term he borrowed directly from the official use of the Achaean political language. As demonstrated by comparison with the only epigraphically preserved document of sympoliteia from the Achaean league (SIG³ 490), the term ‘stele’ was used to officially designate the treaties (homologia), with which new members were accepted to the league.In his legislation regarding children, Marcus Aurelius might have been less influenced by his philosophical edification than previously thought by scholars. Yet it is obvious, that he strengthened the rights of children in issues of inheritance law. Even if we admit that he followed the usual trend of the Antonine period to boost the principle of cognate relations at expense of the agnate ones and to soften the institution of patria potestas, he can be regarded as the emperor who has forced this trend by a multitude of legislative actions. As shown by the analysis given in this paper, the inheritance law preserved in John Malalas, the edictum de bonorum possessione liberis danda as preserved in the Digests and the Senatusconsultum Orfitianum are all part of this package. Although the latter is the most famous of Marcus Aurelius’ laws in regard of matters of inheritance law, it is just a complementary law to his large legislation in form of the edict of 176 CE, in which he facilitated the access of children to the property of parents who had died without leaving a will.
Description: Clemens Koehn assisted in the early stages of editing this book. More information about the book can be found at:
Editor: Editor(s): Volker Grieb
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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