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Publication Open AccessJournal ArticleEvaluation of in vitro methods of anthelmintic efficacy testing against Ascaridia galli(Cambridge University Press, 2022-04-19)To investigate methods for in vitro assessment of anthelmintic efficacy against the chicken nematode Ascaridia galli this study firstly evaluated sample preparation methods including recovery of eggs from excreta using different flotation fluids and induced larval hatching by the deshelling–centrifugation method and the glass-bead method with or without bile. It then evaluated two in vitro assays, the in-ovo larval development assay (LDA) and larval migration inhibition assay (LMIA), for anthelmintic efficacy testing against A. galli using fresh eggs and artificially hatched larvae, respectively. Four anthelmintics, thiabendazole (TBZ), fenbendazole (FBZ), levamisole (LEV) and piperazine (PIP) were employed using an A. galli isolate of known susceptibility. The results suggested that the LDA and LMIA could successfully be used to generate concentration response curves for the tested drugs. The LDA provided EC50 values for inhibition of egg embryonation of 0.084 and 0.071 μg/ml for TBZ and FBZ, respectively. In the LMIA, the values of effective concentration (EC50) of TBZ, FBZ, LEV and PIP were 105.9, 6.32, 349.9 and 6.78 × 107 nM, respectively. For such in vitro studies, a saturated sugar solution showed high egg recovery efficiency (67.8%) and yielded eggs of the highest morphological quality (98.1%) and subsequent developmental ability (93.3%). The larval hatching assays evaluated did not differ in hatching efficiency but the deshelling–centrifugation method yielded larvae that had slightly better survival rates. For final standardization of these tests and establishment of EC50 reference values, tests using isolates of A. galli of defined resistance status need to be performed.
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Publication Open AccessJournal ArticleImpacts of food wastage on economic growth(Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2022-05)This paper attempts to identify the impact of food wastage on economic growth using the data for 165 countries over the 2014–2018 period. With the help of ordinary least squares (OLS) and generalized linear model (GLM), the study shows that food wastage and poverty impact GDP growth negatively. Poverty and food wastage are positively related. Reducing food wastage can lead to poverty reduction, stimulating GDP growth. Measures are required to reduce food wastage, especially in middle-income countries with a high undernourishment rate. Food wastage reflects poor regulatory capacity, and strengthening the institutional quality can also reduce the wastage of food.
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BookPublication Language and Decolonisation: An Interdisciplinary Approach(Routledge, 2024-07-23)Language and Decolonisation is the first collection to bring together views from across scholarly communities that are committed to the agenda of decolonising knowledge in language study. Edited by leading figures in the field, the chapters offer new insights on how ‘decolonising’ can be adopted as a methodology for charting the next steps in solving practical language-related problems in educational and related social policy areas. Divided into two sections, the book covers the coloniality of language, the materiality of culture and colonial scripts, the decolonisation imperative, multilingualism discourse and decolonisation, and decolonising languages in public discourse. With 20 chapters authored by experts from across the globe, this pioneering collection is an essential reference and resource for advanced students, scholars, and researchers of language and culture, sociolinguistics, decolonial studies, racial studies, and related areas.
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Publication Open AccessJournal ArticleThree Decades of Adolescent Health: Unveiling Global Trends Across 41 Countries in Psychological and Somatic Complaints (1994–2022)(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2024-12-02)Objectives: This study examined (non-)monotonic time trends in psychological and somatic complaints among adolescents, along with gender differences.
Methods: Repeated cross-sectional Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) data from 1994 to 2022 covering 15-year-old adolescents from 41 countries (N = 470,797) were analysed. Three polynomial logistic regression models (linear, quadratic, cubic) were tested for best fit, including separate analyses by gender and health complaints dimension.
Results: Time trend patterns varied by gender and health complaints dimension. Increases were found in 82.3% of cases (linear 25%, quadratic U-shaped 28.7%, cubic 28.7%), while 14% showed no clear trend, and 3.7% decreased. Boys typically showed linear increases or no clear trend over time, whereas girls generally showed cubic or U-shaped trends. Psychological complaints often displayed U-shaped or cubic patterns, whereas somatic complaints mostly showed linear increases.
Conclusion: Psychological and somatic complaints demonstrated diverse time trend patterns across countries, with non-monotonic patterns (U-shaped and cubic) frequently observed alongside linear increases. These findings highlight the complexity of changes within countries over three decades, suggesting that linear modelling may not effectively capture this heterogeneity.
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Publication Open AccessJournal ArticleChildbirth self-efficacy and birth related PTSD symptoms: An online childbirth education randomised controlled trial for mothers(BioMed Central Ltd, 2024-10-12)Background This study evaluated an online childbirth education course on childbirth self-efficacy and, subsequent birth related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and mother-infant relationship quality.
Method Three group (intervention, passive control, active control) parallel randomised controlled trial. Groups were assigned using computer generated random allocation. For the passive control group participants were instructed to carry on with whatever they were currently undertaking with their pregnancy, while the active control group were asked to read a booklet comprised of twelve birth stories. The purpose of the active control was to check if the act of having an activity to complete would influence outcomes. For the online course group (intervention) participants were asked to complete the online version of a birthing course designed by She Births®. One hundred and twenty-five women residing in Australia between 12 and 24 weeks pregnant were recruited online. Participants were asked to complete their required activity between 24 and 36 weeks pregnant. Childbirth self-efficacy scores were tested pre and post intervention (time one and time 2), PTSD symptoms and mother-infant relationship quality were tested at six weeks and six months postnatal.
Results There was no significant interaction by group for childbirth self-efficacy scores. Mean difference scores at time one (pre-intervention) and time two (post-intervention) for each group indicated a trend in the online group towards higher childbirth self-efficacy compared with the two control groups. The main effect of group on birth related PTSD scores was not statically significant at six weeks postnatal or at six months postnatal. The main effect of group on mother-infant relationship scores was not statically significant at six weeks postnatal or six months postnatal.
Conclusions Trends showed childbirth self-efficacy scores to be higher in the intervention group compared with the two control groups, demonstrating effectiveness for the intervention. Paradoxically, PTSD scores were higher in the intervention group compared with the two control groups and therefore also reported poorer mother-infant relationship quality. External factors may be more important than childbirth self-efficacy highlighting the need for a holistic approach that addresses systemic and socio-political influences to improve communication, autonomy, and respectful maternity care.
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Conference PublicationPublication Orgasmic Gushing: where does the fluid come from and how is it produced?(Women in Research (WiR), 2005)There are three sexual fluids from women: lubrication (e.g. transudation of fluid across the mucosa of the vagina, and mucus from the greater vestibular glands); female ejaculation (from paraurethral glands); and gushing. Orthodox western medicine and physiology does not yet have a standardized description or explanation for the third, gushing. The present paper proposes that the gushing fluid is a filtrate of plasma, produced by the mechanism known as transudation. This is an additional application for the transudation mechanism, after the well accepted roles in lubrication of the vagina, and in generating serous fluids. The present model proposes that the fluid released in a gush arises from the ventral wall of the vagina due to the presence there of increased surface area of mucosa, dilated arterioles, pressurized venous and lymphatic plexuses, and compression provided by muscle contraction during orgasm.63473 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
DatasetPublication Mapping Long Term Changes in Mangrove Cover and Predictions of Future Change under Different Climate Change Scenarios in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh(2018-05-22)Ground-based readings of temperature and rainfall, satellite imagery, aerial photographs, ground verification data and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used in this study. Ground-based meteorological information was obtained from Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) for the period 1977 to 2015 and was used to determine the trends of rainfall and temperature in this thesis. Satellite images obtained from the US Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) website ( in four time periods were analysed to assess the dynamics of mangrove population at species level. Remote sensing techniques, as a solution to lack of spatial data at a relevant scale and difficulty in accessing the mangroves for field survey and also as an alternative to the traditional methods were used in monitoring of the changes in mangrove species composition, . To identify mangrove forests, a number of satellite sensors have been used, including Landsat TM/ETM/OLI, SPOT, CBERS, SIR, ASTER, and IKONOS and Quick Bird. The use of conventional medium-resolution remote sensor data (e.g., Landsat TM, ASTER, SPOT) in the identification of different mangrove species remains a challenging task. In many developing countries, the high cost of acquiring high- resolution satellite imagery excludes its routine use. The free availability of archived images enables the development of useful techniques in its use and therefor Landsat imagery were used in this study for mangrove species classification. Satellite imagery used in this study includes: Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) of 57 m resolution acquired on 1st February 1977, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) of 28.5 m resolution acquired on 5th February 1989, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) of 28.5 m resolution acquired on 28th February 2000 and Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) of 30 m resolution acquired on 4th February 2015. To study tidal channel dynamics of the study area, aerial photographs from 1974 and 2011, and a satellite image from 2017 were used. Satellite images from 1974 with good spatial resolution of the area were not available, and therefore aerial photographs of comparatively high and fine resolution were considered adequate to obtain information on tidal channel dynamics. Although high-resolution satellite imagery was available for 2011, aerial photographs were used for this study due to their effectiveness in terms of cost and also ease of comparison with the 1974 photographs. The aerial photographs were sourced from the Survey of Bangladesh (SOB). The Sentinel-2 satellite image from 2017 was downloaded from the European Space Agency (ESA) website ( In this research, elevation data acts as the main parameter in the determination of the sea level rise (SLR) impacts on the spatial distribution of the future mangrove species of the Bangladesh Sundarbans. High resolution elevation data is essential for this kind of research where every centimeter counts due to the low-lying characteristics of the study area. The high resolution (less than 1m vertical error) DEM data used in this study was obtained from Water Resources Planning Organization (WRPO), Bangladesh. The elevation information used to construct the DEM was originally collected by a Finnish consulting firm known as FINNMAP in 1991 for the Bangladesh government.48120 50 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Conference PublicationPublication Reinforced Behavioral Variability and Sequence Learning Across Species(Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), 2012)Previous research shows that reinforcement of variable responding will facilitate sequence learning in rats (Neuringer, Deiss & Olson, 2000) but may interfere with sequence learning in humans (Maes & van der Goot, 2006). The present study aimed to replicate and extend previous research by assessing the role of behavioral variability in the learning of difficult target sequences across 3 species: humans (n = 60), hens (n = 18) and possums (n = 6). Participants were randomly allocated to one of three experimental conditions (Control, Variable, Any). In the Control conditions sequences were only reinforced if they were the target sequence, in the Variability conditions sequences were concurrently reinforced on a Variable Interval 60-s schedule if the just entered sequence met a variability criterion, and in the Any condition sequences were concurrently reinforced on a Variable Interval 60-s schedule for any sequence entered. The results support previous findings with animals and humans; hens and possums were more likely to learn the target sequence in the Variability condition, and human participants were more likely to learn the target sequence in the Control condition. Possible explanations for differences between the performance of humans and animals on this task will be discussed.39859 1 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Open AccessDatasetThe drivers and consequences of change to the physical character of waterholes on an Australian dryland river(University of New England, 2021-08-27)This dataset provides all the raw and analysed data for the thesis titled 'The drivers and consequences of change to the physical character of waterholes on an Australian dryland river'.
The data has been divided into four folders that are aligned with the data chapters for the thesis. These being: (Ch 2) waterhole mapping, (Ch 3) floodplain gullies, (Ch 4) sediment transport and (Ch 5) fish.
A README file is provided for each chapter which contains a description of the individual datasets and a list of files that make up each dataset.
The data in this archive is a combination of data obtained from desktop studies as well as field work on the Darling River (i.e., the fish data).
Further, fish data were collected on the Darling River between Bourke and Wilcannia. Waterhole mapping was undertaken on the Barwon-Darling between Walgett and Wilcannia. Gully mapping was undertaken on the Barwon-Darling River between Mungindi and Wilcannia. Sediment transport capacity was assessed at five sites between Collarenebri and Tilpa.37651 1650 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Open AccessJournal ArticleA Review into Effective Classroom Management and Strategies for Student Engagement: Teacher and Student Roles in Today’s Classrooms(Redfame Publishing Inc, 2019-12)A teacher's role encompasses far more than just imparting curricula outcomes to their students: they need to equip students with the necessary tools to experience social and academic success both inside the classroom and beyond it. Teachers need to empower students with the means to critically analyse the world around them in order to develop into critical independent thinkers. Students need to be proficient in utilising skills associated with higher levels of thinking, that will empower them with the ability to identify, analyse and evaluate the infinite volume of information available through our rapidly changing digital world. Just as teachers need to take responsibility for the various methods of teaching and instruction in the classroom, it is essential for students to take ownership of the learning process, to ensure future success in university environments, where sustained personal effort and metacognitive skills are fundamental to academic success. The object of the review of the literature surrounding the roles of teacher and student, effective classroom management strategies, and successful evidence-based teaching and learning pedagogies, is to assist new and experienced teachers in the promotion of a positive classroom experience for all.28230 22938