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Title: Intelligent Books: Combining Reactive Learning Exercises with Extensible and Adaptive Content in an Open-Access Web Application
Contributor(s): Billingsley, William  (author)orcid ; Robinson, Peter (author)
Publication Date: 2009
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-392-0.ch013
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Abstract: "Intelligent Books" are Web-based textbooks that combine computer-supported exercises with content that is both adaptive and extensible. They impose very few restrictions on the kind of exercise that can be placed within the book, and they allow students to contribute material that they have written, and to incorporate material from the Web into the book. In this chapter, the authors describe the influences that affect the design of intelligent books. These come from looking at the roles that textbooks and course notes play in education, and economic factors that affect the sustainability of intelligent books - competing for the attention of users, and ensuring that network externalities do not prevent a sufficient quantity of material from being usable within the book.
Publication Type: Book Chapter
Source of Publication: Cognitive and Emotional Processes in Web-Based Education: Integrating Human Factors and Personalization, p. 229-244
Publisher: Information Science Reference
Place of Publication: Hershey, United States of America
ISBN: 9781605663920
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 080602 Computer-Human Interaction
080199 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing not elsewhere classified
130306 Educational Technology and Computing
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 930203 Teaching and Instruction Technologies
970108 Expanding Knowledge in the Information and Computing Sciences
890299 Computer Software and Services not elsewhere classified
HERDC Category Description: B1 Chapter in a Scholarly Book
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Series Name: Advances in Web-Based Learning Series
Editor: Editor(s): Constantinos Mourlas, Nikos Tsianos and Panagiotis Germanakos
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter
School of Science and Technology

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