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Title: Modeling Linkage Disequilibrium Increases Accuracy of Polygenic Risk Scores
Contributor(s): Vilhjalmsson, Bjarni J (author); Yang, Jian (author); Hayeck, Tristan (author); Essioux, Laurent (author); Fanous, Ayman H (author); Farrell, Martilias S (author); Frank, Josef (author); Franke, Lude (author); Freedman, Robert (author); Freimer, Nelson B (author); Friedl, Marion (author); Friedman, Joseph I (author); Fromer, Menachem (author); Won, Hong-Hee (author); Genovese, Giulio (author); Georgieva, Lyudmila (author); Gershon, Elliot S (author); Giegling, Ina (author); Giusti-Rodrguez, Paola (author); Godard, Stephanie (author); Goldstein, Jacqueline I (author); Golimbet, Vera (author); Gopal, Srihari (author); Gratten, Jacob (author); Kathiresan, Sekar (author); Grove, Jakob (author); de Haan, Lieuwe (author); Hammer, Christian (author); Hamshere, Marian L (author); Hansen, Mark (author); Hansen, Thomas (author); Haroutunian, Vahram (author); Hartmann, Annette M (author); Henskens, Frans A (author); Herms, Stefan (author); Pato, Michele (author); Hirschhorn, Joel N (author); Hoffmann, Per (author); Hofman, Andrea (author); Hollegaard, Mads V (author); Hougaard, David M (author); Ikeda, Masashi (author); Joa, Inge (author); Julia, Antonio (author); Kahn, Rene S (author); Kalaydjieva, Luba (author); Pato, Carlos (author); Karachanak-Yankova, Sena (author); Karjalainen, Juha (author); Kavanagh, David (author); Keller, Matthew C (author); Kelly, Brian J (author); Kennedy, James L (author); Khrunin, Andrey (author); Kim, Yunjung (author); Klovins, Janis (author); Knowles, James A (author); Tamimi, Rulla (author); Konte, Bettina (author); Kucinskas, Vaidutis (author); Kucinskiene, Zita Ausrele (author); Kuzelova-Ptackova, Hana (author); Kahler, Anna K (author); Laurent, Claudine (author); Keong, Jimmy Lee Chee (author); Lee, Sang Hong  (author); Legge, Sophie E (author); Lerer, Bernard (author); Stahl, Eli (author); Li, Miaoxin (author); Li, Tao (author); Liang, Kung-Yee (author); Lieberman, Jeffrey (author); Limborska, 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A (author); Richards, Alexander L (author); Roffman, Joshua L (author); Roussos, Panos (author); Ruderfer, Douglas M (author); Salomaa, Veikko (author); Sanders, Alan R (author); Schall, Ulrich  (author); Schubert, Christian R (author); Schulze, Thomas G (author); Schwab, Sibylle G (author); McCarroll, Steve (author); Scolnick, Edward M (author); Scott, Rodney J (author); Seidman, Larry J (author); Shi, Jianxin (author); Sigurdsson, Engilbert (author); Silagadze, Teimuraz (author); Silverman, Jeremy M (author); Sim, Kang (author); Slominsky, Petr (author); Smoller, Jordan W (author); Daly, Mark (author); So, Hon-Cheong (author); Spencer, Chris C A (author); Stahl, Eli A (author); Stefansson, Hreinn (author); Steinberg, Stacy (author); Stogmann, Elisabeth (author); Straub, Richard E (author); Strengman, Eric (author); Strohmaier, Jana (author); Stroup, T Scott (author); Purcell, Shaun (author); Subramaniam, Mythily (author); Suvisaari, Jaana (author); Svrakic, 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Corporate Author: Discovery, Biology, and Risk of Inherited Variants in Breast Cancer (DRIVE)
Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Schizophrenia Working Group (PGC SCZ)
Publication Date: 2015
Open Access: Yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.09.001Open Access Link
Handle Link:
Abstract: Polygenic risk scores have shown great promise in predicting complex disease risk and will become more accurate as training sample sizes increase. The standard approach for calculating risk scores involves linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based marker pruning and applying a p value threshold to association statistics, but this discards information and can reduce predictive accuracy. We introduce LDpred, a method that infers the posterior mean effect size of each marker by using a prior on effect sizes and LD information from an external reference panel. Theory and simulations show that LDpred outperforms the approach of pruning followed by thresholding, particularly at large sample sizes. Accordingly, predicted R2 increased from 20.1% to 25.3% in a large schizophrenia dataset and from 9.8% to 12.0% in a large multiple sclerosis dataset. A similar relative improvement in accuracy was observed for three additional large disease datasets and for non-European schizophrenia samples. The advantage of LDpred over existing methods will grow as sample sizes increase.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: American Journal of Human Genetics, 97(4), p. 576-592
Publisher: Cell Press
Place of Publication: United States of America
ISSN: 1537-6605
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 060405 Gene Expression (incl. Microarray and other genome-wide approaches)
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 310505 Gene expression (incl. microarray and other genome-wide approaches)
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 920110 Inherited Diseases (incl. Gene Therapy)
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 200101 Diagnosis of human diseases and conditions
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
Appears in Collections:Journal Article
School of Environmental and Rural Science

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