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Title: Quality Assurance in The University Sector: Comparative case studies in Australia and Vietnam
Contributor(s): Dong, Ngoc Son (author); Wolodko, Brenda  (supervisor)orcid ; Elliott, Susan  (supervisor)
Publication Date: 2017-11-14
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Abstract/Context: The findings of the study will be based on two main pillars – documentary analysis and field study including interviews and questionnaires. In terms of document data, the current institutional quality assurance documents will be analysed from both universities. At the institutional level, data from the document sources will be collected though a search of the public university’s website or hard copies as available. The document analysis data will be derived from mission statements, strategic plans, and external and internal quality audits, and the current annual quality assurance reports in each university. In terms of interview and questionnaire survey data, a semi-structured interview approach will be employed in this study, and conducted in 45-minute, in-depth, face-to-face individual interviews between the researcher and five academic leader participants in each university. The semi-structured interview will be based on open-ended questions or general topics to guide the researcher. Following the interviews, an open-ended questionnaire will be designed to obtain both qualitative and quantitative data from academic staff within each university, in order to gauge their perceptions about quality assurance and ways of improving quality assurance at undergraduate levels. the interview questions and questionnaires guided by two academic leaders and two senior lecturers in order to hone both the questions and researcher interviewing skills and promote effectiveness of the questionnaires.
Publication Type: Dataset
Fields of Research (FOR): 130103 Higher Education
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 390303 Higher education
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO): 930403 School/Institution Policies and Development
930401 Management and Leadership of Schools/Institutions
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 160205 Policies and development
160204 Management, resources and leadership
Keywords: University staff
Higher education policy
University policy
Quality assurance
Higher education
Location Coordinates: northlimit=24.049410897278; southlimit=18.482669618218; westlimit=101.42535096126; eastLimit=109.68706971126; projection=WGS84
Format: 7 Audio .mp3
Access rights: Mediated
Open Access Embargo: 2099-12-31
HERDC Category Description: X Dataset
Project: Quality Assurance in The University Sector
Dataset Managed By: School of Education
Rights Holder: University of New England
Rights Statement: Contact the Chief Investigator to request access to the data.Reuse of the data requires attribution and contextual approval from the Chief Investigator.
Dataset Stored at: Univeristy of New England
Primary Contact Details: Ngoc Son Dong -
Dataset Custodian Details: Ngoc Son Dong -
Appears in Collections:Dataset
School of Education

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