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Title: The European Influence on Laminated Timber Arch Bridges in Colonial Australia, 1852-90
Contributor(s): Glencross-Grant, Rex  (author)orcid ; Berger, Ian (author)
Publication Date: 2016
Open Access: Yes
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Open Access Link: Access Link
Abstract: This paper investigates the strong European influence on timber bridge design and construction in the early Australian colonies. This investigation found that, whilst laminated timber arch bridges were expedient and cost-effective in the short term in the early Australian colonies, they presented maintenance and durability problems in the longer term. As a result they were progressively replaced by more effectively designed large span timber truss, metal or later concrete bridges. Considerable knowledge and artisan skills were acquired during this period in building such large structures with limited resources, other than natural materials and ingenuity. Nevertheless these bridges very admirably fulfilled their intended purpose until traffic loading and volume increased and alternative material costs decreased sufficiently to warrant eventual replacement.
Publication Type: Conference Publication
Conference Details: WCTE 2016: World Conference on Timber Engineering, Vienna, Austria, 22nd - 25th August, 2016
Source of Publication: WCTE 2016 e-book: containing all full papers submitted to the World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), p. 3066-3075
Publisher: Technische Universitat Wien, Vienna University of Technology
Place of Publication: Vienna, Austria
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 090503 Construction Materials
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 400505 Construction materials
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 970109 Expanding Knowledge in Engineering
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 280110 Expanding knowledge in engineering
HERDC Category Description: E2 Non-Refereed Scholarly Conference Publication
Appears in Collections:Conference Publication

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