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Title: Constitutional Recognition of the Natural Environment in the Context of Regionalism: A Way For Australia To Ensure The Economic Environment Complements The Natural Environment
Contributor(s): McDonald, Kevin James (author); Lynch, Anthony  (supervisor)orcid 
Conferred Date: 2003
Copyright Date: 2001
Open Access: Yes
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Abstract: To my mind, two of the most contentious issues for discussion in Australia, and the world today, are the degradation of the natural environment and the widening gap between rich and poor. Consequently, this thesis is directed at these two issues, the former explicitly and the latter implicitly. The abuse of the natural environment and the inequitable distribution of wealth are exacerbated by economic activities, and associated economic theories, over the past two hundred and fifty years. The primary cause of exacerbation is because the economic environment has dominated the natural and social environments. The economic environment does not respect the other environments in a manner that regards each environment as equally important. On the contrary, the other environments are expected to revolve around the economic environment. Unfortunately, this ascendancy has created social alienation within our communities as well as the alienation and degradation of the natural environment, the Australian landmass and its waterways.
Publication Type: Thesis Masters Research
Rights Statement: Copyright 2001 - Kevin James McDonald
HERDC Category Description: T1 Thesis - Masters Degree by Research
Appears in Collections:Thesis Masters Research

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