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Title: Ignored Lingualism: Another Resource for Overcoming the Monolingual Mind-set in Language Education Policy
Contributor(s): Ndhlovu, Finex  (author)orcid 
Publication Date: 2015
DOI: 10.1080/07268602.2015.1087365
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Abstract: Mainstream academic conversations in sociolinguistics and language education policy have for a long time questioned the deep-seated habit of assuming monolingualism as the norm for all individuals and societies - what has been termed the monolingual mindset. However, most research has done so using modernist linguistic ideologies that perpetuate myths about the nature of language. Consequently, there still remain strong pockets of influential conservative and hegemonic forces that resist - in both subtle and overt ways - attempts at valuing and validating not only multilingualism as a normal state of being for the majority of people around the world but also the diversity of language practices and conceptualizations, what I call ignored lingualism. This article uses the concept of ignored lingualism to offer new theoretical insights that have the potential to overcome the monolingual mindset in language education policy. It adds to emerging scholarly theorizations of language that promote and value translanguaging, codemeshing, translingual practices, language as local practice, languages as creative linguistic practices, languages as plurilingual multimodal communication resources and languages as communicative resources. The article is pushing forward a more applied agenda to establish clear language education policies based on these contemporary understandings of language.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: Australian Journal of Linguistics, 35(4), p. 398-414
Publisher: Routledge
Place of Publication: Australia
ISSN: 1469-2996
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 220313 Philosophy of Language
200401 Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics
200405 Language in Culture and Society (Sociolinguistics)
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 500314 Philosophy of language
470401 Applied linguistics and educational linguistics
470411 Sociolinguistics
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 930299 Teaching and Instruction not elsewhere classified
970120 Expanding Knowledge in Language, Communication and Culture
970122 Expanding Knowledge in Philosophy and Religious Studies
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 280114 Expanding knowledge in Indigenous studies
280116 Expanding knowledge in language, communication and culture
280119 Expanding knowledge in philosophy and religious studies
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
Appears in Collections:Journal Article
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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