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Title: Educating for Sustainability in Primary Schools: Teaching for the Future
Contributor(s): Taylor, Neil  (editor)orcid ; Quinn, Frances  (editor)orcid ; Eames, Chris (editor)
Publication Date: 2015
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Abstract: Our planet is under enormous stress. Our children are growing up with the legacy of mismanagement of previous generations, including ours, which has resulted in visible signs of large-scale environmental and social harm associated with climate change, ecosystem destruction, resource depletion and pollution. Concerns about the resultant damage have been expressed for many years. For example, a report from the Club of Rome pointed to these potential problems more than 40 years ago (Meadows, 1972), and all of them are now plainly evident. It is clear that these issues are real and that they must be addressed, as is propounded in current international debates and extensive media coverage.
Publication Type: Book
Publisher: Sense Publishers
Place of Publication: Rotterdam, Netherlands
ISBN: 9789463000468
Fields of Research (FOR) 2008: 130205 Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl Economics, Business and Management)
130299 Curriculum and Pedagogy not elsewhere classified
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 390106 Geography education curriculum and pedagogy
390199 Curriculum and pedagogy not elsewhere classified
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 930201 Pedagogy
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 160302 Pedagogy
HERDC Category Description: A3 Book - Edited
Extent of Pages: 369
Appears in Collections:Book
School of Education

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