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Title: The First 100 Years: The development of technical education in Queensland: Technical Education against a Social, Political and Commercial Background
Contributor(s): Nicholson, Ian James (author); Meek, Vincent Lynn (supervisor); Jones, David (supervisor)
Conferred Date: 1996
Copyright Date: 1995
Open Access: Yes
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Abstract: This thesis examines the development of Technical Education in Queensland from the 1870s to the 1970s in relation to the contemporary social, political and commercial environment. It is not merely a chronological history. In 1870 the first meaningful requests in Queensland for 'Technical Education' transpired. These were followed by attempts to establish technical classes which were not successful until 1881. Classes grew in number in an unstructured fashion until in 1889 at the opening of the first Technical College, technical education was formally recognised as part of the educational system. The 1970s was a decade culminating in many changes for Technical Education. During this and the previous decade there were many reports with great impact on post-secondary education throughout Australia. One result was that, in 1977, Technical Education and Adult Education, both being branches of the Department of Education, amalgamated to become TAFE. In the years between these two limits technical education suffered from considerable variation in prestige. Its development was notable for its inconsistency. There were periods of rapid change followed by much longer periods of neglect. Nevertheless, it fulfilled the critical role of supplying post-secondary education and training for large numbers of people.
Publication Type: Thesis Doctoral
Rights Statement: Copyright 1995 - Ian James Nicholson
HERDC Category Description: T2 Thesis - Doctorate by Research
Appears in Collections:Thesis Doctoral

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