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Title: Verb agreement suffixes in Mizo-Kuki-Chin
Contributor(s): Delancey, Scott  (author)
Publication Date: 2013
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Abstract: Mizo-Kuki-Chin is a low-level branch of Tibeto-Bunnan, consisting of two or three dozen closely-related languages (the number will depend on what we choose to count as distinct languages). The branch is defined as a genetic unit by several phonological shifts (VanBik 2009) and important morpho syntactic innovations, in particular the grammaticalization of a morphophonemic alternation between two different stems of the verb, and the innovation of a paradigm of prefixal subject agreement on the verb. Some of the agreement prefixes resemble prefixes which occur in the mixed prefixal-suffixal verb paradigms of some Kiranti and rGyalrongic languages (DeLancey 1989, 20lla; van Driem 1993, 1997), and it is likely that the Mizo-Kuki-Chin (MKC) paradigm contains morphological material which has cognates elsewhere in TB. Nevertheless the MKC agreement paradigm is clearly a shared innovation which characterizes the MKC branch and sets it off from the rest of the family.
Publication Type: Book Chapter
Source of Publication: North East Indian Linguistics, v.5, p. 138-150
Publisher: Foundation Books
Place of Publication: New Delhi, India
ISBN: 9789382264729
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 200408 Linguistic Structures (incl Grammar, Phonology, Lexicon, Semantics)
200406 Language in Time and Space (incl Historical Linguistics, Dialectology)
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 470409 Linguistic structures (incl. phonology, morphology and syntax)
470406 Historical, comparative and typological linguistics
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 950201 Communication Across Languages and Culture
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 130201 Communication across languages and culture
HERDC Category Description: B1 Chapter in a Scholarly Book
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Editor: Editor(s): Gwendolyn Hyslop, Stephen Morey, Mark W Post
Appears in Collections:Book Chapter

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