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Title: Gross primary productivity of phytoplankton and planktonic respiration in inland floodplain wetlands of southeast Australia: habitat-dependent patterns and regulating processes
Contributor(s): Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi (author); Ralph, Timothy (author); Ryder, Darren  (author); Hunter, Simon J (author)
Publication Date: 2013
DOI: 10.1007/s11284-013-1065-6
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Abstract: Gross primary productivity (GPP) of phytoplankton and planktonic respiration (PR) (i.e., planktonic metabolism) are critical pathways for carbon transformation in many aquatic ecosystems. In inland floodplain wetlands with variable inundation regimes, quantitative measurements of GPP and PR are rare and their relationships with wetland environmental conditions are largely unknown. We measured PR and the GPP of phytoplankton using light and dark biological oxygen demand bottles in open waters of channel and non-channel floodplain habitats of inland floodplain wetlands of southeast Australia that had been inundated by environmental water. Overall, GPP varied from 3.7 to 405.5 mg C m-³ h-¹ (mean ± standard error: 89.4 ± 9.2 mg C m-³ h-¹, 'n' = 81), PR from 1.5 to 251.6 mg C m-³ h-¹ (43.2 ± 5.6 mg C m-³ h-¹, 'n' = 81), and GPP/PR from 0.2 to 15.6 (3.0 ± 0.3, 'n' = 81). In terms of wetland environmental conditions, total nitrogen (TN) ranged from 682.0 to 14,700.0 mg m-³ (mean ± standard error: 2,643.0 ± 241.6 mg m-³, 'n' = 81), total phosphorus (TP) from 48.0 to 1,405.0 mg m-³ (316.8 ± 31.4 mg m-³, 'n' = 81), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from 1.9 to 46.3 g m-³ (22.0 ± 1.6 g m-³, 'n' = 81). Using ordinary least-squares multiple regression analyses, the rates of GPP and PR, and their ratio (GPP/PR) were modeled as a function of TN, TP, and DOC that had been measured concomitantly. The 'best' models predicted GPP and GPP/PR ratio in channel habitats as a function of DOC; and GPP, PR, and GPP/PR in non-channel floodplain habitats as a function of TN and/or TP. The models explained between 46 and 74 % of the variance in channel habitats and between 17 and 87 % of the variance in non-channel floodplain habitats. Net autotrophy (mean GPP/PR 3.0) of planktonic metabolism in our work supports the prevailing view that wetlands are a net sink for carbon dioxide. We propose a nutrient-DOC framework, combined with hydrological and geomorphological delineations, to better predict and understand the planktonic metabolism in inland floodplain wetlands.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: Ecological Research, 28(5), p. 833-843
Publisher: Springer Japan KK
Place of Publication: Japan
ISSN: 1440-1703
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 060204 Freshwater Ecology
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 310304 Freshwater ecology
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 960506 Ecosystem Assessment and Management of Fresh, Ground and Surface Water Environments
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 180501 Assessment and management of benthic marine ecosystems
180502 Assessment and management of pelagic marine ecosystems
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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