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Title: Our Cathedral: Second-century thoughts - A collection of memories and viewpoints by Parishioners of 2011
Contributor(s): Baker, Robert John (editor); Baker, Wendy Helena (editor)
Publication Date: 2012
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Abstract: This celebratory book is marking the centenary of our Cathedral's opening. It is constituted by the memories, impressions, and hopes of that wide cross-section of parishioners who either consented to be interviewed or submitted their responses in writing. The joint authors of the book, that is to say, are those parishioners. Except in the sense that our respondents were asked to record memories of past experiences (as well as present impressions and future hopes), this is not a history of the Cathedral. Still less is it a history of the parish of Armidale, whose parish church, the Cathedral, happens to have been during these last hundred years. Neither, certainly, does the book fit the definition of social history by G M Trevelyan: "history with the politics left out". The following pages will be found to contain plenty of politics, if only often as a sub-text. But they might well also be found to qualify as a collection of raw material towards a future social history of our parish, and of the Cathedral's place in it. In the meantime, this book presents itself as a set, as it were of verbal snapshots, or impressionist quick-sketches, or even a kaleidoscope, of the various respondents' memories and experiences of this or that aspect of the Cathedral's impact on their lives. The result has been farthest from being history in that the editorial process has deliberately avoided selecting, judging, or grading our respondents' offerings as historical evidence. By and large, all memories, impressions, and judgements have been treated as equally valid.
Publication Type: Book
Publisher: Cathedral Centenary Committee
Place of Publication: Armidale, Australia
ISBN: 9780646575681
Fields of Research (FOR) 2008: 220499 Religion and Religious Studies not elsewhere classified
220299 History and Philosophy of Specific Fields not elsewhere classified
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 500499 Religious studies not elsewhere classified
500299 History and philosophy of specific fields not elsewhere classified
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 970121 Expanding Knowledge in History and Archaeology
970122 Expanding Knowledge in Philosophy and Religious Studies
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 280114 Expanding knowledge in Indigenous studies
280113 Expanding knowledge in history, heritage and archaeology
280119 Expanding knowledge in philosophy and religious studies
HERDC Category Description: A3 Book - Edited
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Extent of Pages: 176
Appears in Collections:Book

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