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Title: An Editorial Transnotation of the Manuscript Capella Sistina 51 [2]: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Città del Vaticano: Liber missarum
Contributor(s): Eakins, Rex  (editor)
Publication Date: 2000
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Abstract: This, the second volume in a series of six, contains the 'Missae Et super nivem dealbabor', 'Jesus autem transiens', '[La] Basse danse' and 'Vinnus vina'. Similar to the contents of volume I, the settings presented here offer different approaches to polyphonic treatment of the 'missa ordinarium'. The first two works take their models from the plainsong repertoire, and the second two from the secular tradition. It is not only the selection of melodies for 'cantus firmus' treatment and the nature of the treatment itself which is variable, but also the composers' application of counterpoint, ensembles, modal language and general writing style which offers further evidence of the inventive wealth of 15th-century compositional practice. Vat CS 51 (and its sister MS, Vat CS 14) is indeed a compendium of musical artistry which is characterised by composers' seemingly sheer joy in exercising their creative imaginations.
Publication Type: Book
Publisher: Institute of Mediæval Music
Place of Publication: Ottawa, Canada
ISBN: 1896926258
Fields of Research (FOR) 2008: 190409 Musicology and Ethnomusicology
190407 Music Performance
160104 Social and Cultural Anthropology
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 950101 Music
950105 The Performing Arts (incl. Theatre and Dance)
950406 Religious Traditions (excl. Structures and Rituals)
HERDC Category Description: A3 Book - Edited
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Extent of Pages: 250
Series Name: Gesamtausgaben [Collected Works]
Series Number : XVII/2
Appears in Collections:Book

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