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Title: The Swamp Wallaby 'Wallabia bicolor': a generalist browser as a key mycophagist
Contributor(s): Danks, Melissa  (author); Vernes, Karl  (supervisor)orcid ; Andrew, Nigel  (supervisor)orcid ; Lebel, Teresa (supervisor)
Conferred Date: 2012
Copyright Date: 2011
Open Access: Yes
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Abstract: Mammal-macrofungal interactions are integral to ecosystem function in landscapes dominated by ectomycorrhizal (EM) plants. EM fungi, critical symbiont's with forest plants, produce sporocarps (fruit bodies) which are an important food resource for a variety of mammals. These mammals in turn play an important dispersal role, particularly for truffle-like (below-ground fruiting or hypogeous basidiomycetes) sporocarpic fungi that do not actively discharge their spores (sequestrate). This thesis examines interactions between truffle-like fungi and a non-specialist, mycophagous marsupial, the swamp wallaby 'Wallabia bicolor'. The availability of truffle-like fungi sporocarps as a food resource for mycophagous (fungus-feeding) mammals, the macrofungal diet of the swamp wallaby, and gut-retention and potential dispersal of macrofungal spores by swamp wallaby are examined.
Publication Type: Thesis Doctoral
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 060208 Terrestrial Ecology
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 310308 Terrestrial ecology
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 960806 Forest and Woodlands Flora, Fauna and Biodiversity
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 180606 Terrestrial biodiversity
Rights Statement: Copyright 2011 - Melissa Amber Danks
HERDC Category Description: T2 Thesis - Doctorate by Research
Appears in Collections:Thesis Doctoral

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