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    Open Access
    Journal Article
    Art in the bark: Indigenous carved boab trees (Adansonia gregorii) in north-west Australia
    (Cambridge University Press, 2022-10-11)
    O'Connor, Sue
    Balme, Jane
    Frederick, Ursula
    Garstone, Brenda
    Bedford, Rhys
    Bedford, Jodie
    Rivers, Anne
    Bedford, Angeline

    Found only in a restricted area of north-west Australia, the Australian boab (Adansonia gregorii) is recognisable by its massive, bottle-shaped trunk, and is an economically important species for Indigenous Australians, with the pith, seeds and young roots all eaten. Many of these trees are also culturally significant and are sometimes carved with images and symbols. The authors discuss the history of research into carved boabs in Australia, and present a recent survey to locate and record these trees in the remote Tanami Desert. Their results provide insight into the archaeological and anthropological significance of dendroglyphs in this region and add to a growing corpus of information on culturally modified trees globally.

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    Open Access
    Journal Article
    “A Man's Lot”: Marriage, Military Service, and the First World War
    (John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2022-09)

    The study of personal experiences of British and Australian soldiers during the First World War can be further developed through a discrete analysis of married men’s interactions with wartime masculine ideals. This article seeks to provide a preliminary insight into such interactions through the case-study of two officers serving on the Western Front in 1916 and the correspondence they wrote to their wives throughout their military service. British Lieutenant Max Shaw and Australian Lieutenant Cecil Mills both voluntarily enlisted and served in France in 1916. Once they departed their homes to commence training, they immediately began corresponding with their wives, which can be seen as attempts to mediate a clashing sense of domestic and military loyalties. As these men transitioned from a civilian to a military lifestyle, their lingering domestic identities and the importance of their marriage within their sense of manhood continued to influence their adoption of a military identity.

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    Open Access
    Journal Article
    The Problem of Trust Without Intimacy: Education for Handling Expert Knowledge in a Neoliberal Marketplace
    (Springer Dordrecht, 2022-12)

    Trust arises from confidence in a person or confidence in the practices of an institution. Theorists argue that institutional trust depends, to varying extents on intrapersonal trust, which is trust between people who know each other. Science rests its claim to expert knowledge on the practices of knowledge production engaged in by its institutions. Most people cannot check these practices themselves and effectively must trust the experts who explain and vouch for those practices of science, and thus, there is an element of intrapersonal trust needed if the laity is to have trust in science. Much of the sociology of science is concerned with democratic exchanges between scientists and other citizens, in which scientists are expected to show a commitment to open-mindedness and transparency, yet this may leave scientists and their knowledge vulnerable to contestation in terms that may undermine trust in their science. In this article, I draw on data generated in a study of Australian scientists to describe the ways in which trust was important in the work of these scientists and consider the consequences for a scientist who is prepared to admit to uncertainty. Drawing upon these data and from media accounts of the COVID-19 vaccination debate in Australia, I argue that science education for contemporary society must equip scientists and the laity for relationships that are more than narrowly cognitive. I argue for an education that makes explicit the ways in which the community of science interacts to produce and verify knowledge, and that equips students to recognise uncertainty and dissent as central to science and value expert knowledge. I suggest approaches that may achieve this goal.

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    Open Access
    Journal Article
    CHANS‑Law: preventing the next pandemic through the integration of social and environmental law
    (Springer Dordrecht, 2022-09) ;
    Lim, Michelle
    Qin, Tianbao
    Riordan, Philip

    Zoonotic viruses have sacrificed hundreds of millions of people throughout human history. There are currently 1.7 million unidentified viruses estimated to be circulating in mammal and bird populations. It is foreseeable that in the near future, another of these will transmit to people, heralding the start of the next pandemic—one potentially more deadly than COVID-19. At the core of this article is a call for pre-emptive protection of the natural environment and its regenerative systems as the first fundamental step in the prevention of future epidemics and pandemics. While zoonoses originate in nature, the predominant legal discipline, managing these crises, is international health law which is invoked reactively once an outbreak has been reported. In this paper, we identify the need for a legal shift in epidemic and pandemic responses. In particular, we call for the incorporation of international environmental agreements to prevent the initial viral spillover from animal to human populations. We propose a strategy of strengthening existing agreements and a coupling of legal disciplines, such as health and environmental law, emphasizing the need for synergies across legal disciplines to enhance the emergence and management of future pandemics and epidemics. We introduce Coupled Human and Natural Systems (CHANS) Law to frame the required integration across legal instruments to regulate inextricably human-nature connections and advocate for the development of a Convention on Epidemics and Pandemics.

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    Open Access
    Journal Article
    Characterization of an experimental model to determine streptococcal M protein–induced autoimmune cardiac and neurobehavioral abnormalities

    Group A streptococcal (GAS) infection is associated with a spectrum of autoimmune diseases including acute rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease (ARF/RHD) and neurobehavioral abnormalities. Antibodies against GAS M proteins cross-react with host tissue proteins in the heart and brain leading to the symptomatology observed in ARF/RHD. As throat carriage of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis (SDSE) has been reported to be relatively high in some ARF/RHD endemic regions compared with GAS, and both SDSE and GAS express coiled-coil surface protein called M protein, we hypothesized that streptococci other than GAS can also associated with ARF/RHD and neurobehavioral abnormalities. Neurobehavioral assessments and electrocardiography were performed on Lewis rats before and after exposure to recombinant GAS and SDSE M proteins. Histological assessments were performed to confirm inflammatory changes in cardiac and neuronal tissues. ELISA and Western blot analysis were performed to determine the cross-reactivity of antibodies with host connective, cardiac and neuronal tissue proteins. Lewis rats injected with M proteins either from GAS or SDSE developed significant cardiac functional and neurobehavioral abnormalities in comparison to control rats injected with phosphate-buffered saline. Antibodies against GAS and SDSE M proteins cross-reacted with cardiac, connective and neuronal proteins. Serum from rats injected with streptococcal antigens showed higher immunoglobulin G binding to the striatum and cortex of the brain. Cardiac and neurobehavioral abnormalities observed in our experimental model were comparable to the cardinal symptoms observed in patients with ARF/RHD. Here for the first time, we demonstrate in an experimental model that M proteins from different streptococcal species could initiate and drive the autoimmune-mediated cardiac tissue damage and neurobehavioral abnormalities.

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    Conference Publication
    Orgasmic Gushing: where does the fluid come from and how is it produced?
    (Women in Research (WiR), 2005)
    O'Brien, GM
    There are three sexual fluids from women: lubrication (e.g. transudation of fluid across the mucosa of the vagina, and mucus from the greater vestibular glands); female ejaculation (from paraurethral glands); and gushing. Orthodox western medicine and physiology does not yet have a standardized description or explanation for the third, gushing. The present paper proposes that the gushing fluid is a filtrate of plasma, produced by the mechanism known as transudation. This is an additional application for the transudation mechanism, after the well accepted roles in lubrication of the vagina, and in generating serous fluids. The present model proposes that the fluid released in a gush arises from the ventral wall of the vagina due to the presence there of increased surface area of mucosa, dilated arterioles, pressurized venous and lymphatic plexuses, and compression provided by muscle contraction during orgasm.
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    Mapping Long Term Changes in Mangrove Cover and Predictions of Future Change under Different Climate Change Scenarios in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh
    Ghosh, Manoj Kumer
    Ground-based readings of temperature and rainfall, satellite imagery, aerial photographs, ground verification data and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used in this study. Ground-based meteorological information was obtained from Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) for the period 1977 to 2015 and was used to determine the trends of rainfall and temperature in this thesis. Satellite images obtained from the US Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) website ( in four time periods were analysed to assess the dynamics of mangrove population at species level. Remote sensing techniques, as a solution to lack of spatial data at a relevant scale and difficulty in accessing the mangroves for field survey and also as an alternative to the traditional methods were used in monitoring of the changes in mangrove species composition, . To identify mangrove forests, a number of satellite sensors have been used, including Landsat TM/ETM/OLI, SPOT, CBERS, SIR, ASTER, and IKONOS and Quick Bird. The use of conventional medium-resolution remote sensor data (e.g., Landsat TM, ASTER, SPOT) in the identification of different mangrove species remains a challenging task. In many developing countries, the high cost of acquiring high- resolution satellite imagery excludes its routine use. The free availability of archived images enables the development of useful techniques in its use and therefor Landsat imagery were used in this study for mangrove species classification. Satellite imagery used in this study includes: Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) of 57 m resolution acquired on 1st February 1977, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) of 28.5 m resolution acquired on 5th February 1989, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) of 28.5 m resolution acquired on 28th February 2000 and Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) of 30 m resolution acquired on 4th February 2015. To study tidal channel dynamics of the study area, aerial photographs from 1974 and 2011, and a satellite image from 2017 were used. Satellite images from 1974 with good spatial resolution of the area were not available, and therefore aerial photographs of comparatively high and fine resolution were considered adequate to obtain information on tidal channel dynamics. Although high-resolution satellite imagery was available for 2011, aerial photographs were used for this study due to their effectiveness in terms of cost and also ease of comparison with the 1974 photographs. The aerial photographs were sourced from the Survey of Bangladesh (SOB). The Sentinel-2 satellite image from 2017 was downloaded from the European Space Agency (ESA) website ( In this research, elevation data acts as the main parameter in the determination of the sea level rise (SLR) impacts on the spatial distribution of the future mangrove species of the Bangladesh Sundarbans. High resolution elevation data is essential for this kind of research where every centimeter counts due to the low-lying characteristics of the study area. The high resolution (less than 1m vertical error) DEM data used in this study was obtained from Water Resources Planning Organization (WRPO), Bangladesh. The elevation information used to construct the DEM was originally collected by a Finnish consulting firm known as FINNMAP in 1991 for the Bangladesh government.
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    Conference Publication
    Reinforced Behavioral Variability and Sequence Learning Across Species
    (Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), 2012)
    Doolan, Kathleen
    McEwan, James
    Previous research shows that reinforcement of variable responding will facilitate sequence learning in rats (Neuringer, Deiss & Olson, 2000) but may interfere with sequence learning in humans (Maes & van der Goot, 2006). The present study aimed to replicate and extend previous research by assessing the role of behavioral variability in the learning of difficult target sequences across 3 species: humans (n = 60), hens (n = 18) and possums (n = 6). Participants were randomly allocated to one of three experimental conditions (Control, Variable, Any). In the Control conditions sequences were only reinforced if they were the target sequence, in the Variability conditions sequences were concurrently reinforced on a Variable Interval 60-s schedule if the just entered sequence met a variability criterion, and in the Any condition sequences were concurrently reinforced on a Variable Interval 60-s schedule for any sequence entered. The results support previous findings with animals and humans; hens and possums were more likely to learn the target sequence in the Variability condition, and human participants were more likely to learn the target sequence in the Control condition. Possible explanations for differences between the performance of humans and animals on this task will be discussed.
      39860  1
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    Open Access
    The drivers and consequences of change to the physical character of waterholes on an Australian dryland river
    This dataset provides all the raw and analysed data for the thesis titled 'The drivers and consequences of change to the physical character of waterholes on an Australian dryland river'.
    The data has been divided into four folders that are aligned with the data chapters for the thesis. These being: (Ch 2) waterhole mapping, (Ch 3) floodplain gullies, (Ch 4) sediment transport and (Ch 5) fish.
    A README file is provided for each chapter which contains a description of the individual datasets and a list of files that make up each dataset.
    The data in this archive is a combination of data obtained from desktop studies as well as field work on the Darling River (i.e., the fish data).
    Further, fish data were collected on the Darling River between Bourke and Wilcannia. Waterhole mapping was undertaken on the Barwon-Darling between Walgett and Wilcannia. Gully mapping was undertaken on the Barwon-Darling River between Mungindi and Wilcannia. Sediment transport capacity was assessed at five sites between Collarenebri and Tilpa.
      37658  1746
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    Open Access
    Journal Article
    A Review into Effective Classroom Management and Strategies for Student Engagement: Teacher and Student Roles in Today’s Classrooms
    (Redfame Publishing Inc, 2019-12)
    Franklin, Hayley
    A teacher's role encompasses far more than just imparting curricula outcomes to their students: they need to equip students with the necessary tools to experience social and academic success both inside the classroom and beyond it. Teachers need to empower students with the means to critically analyse the world around them in order to develop into critical independent thinkers. Students need to be proficient in utilising skills associated with higher levels of thinking, that will empower them with the ability to identify, analyse and evaluate the infinite volume of information available through our rapidly changing digital world. Just as teachers need to take responsibility for the various methods of teaching and instruction in the classroom, it is essential for students to take ownership of the learning process, to ensure future success in university environments, where sustained personal effort and metacognitive skills are fundamental to academic success. The object of the review of the literature surrounding the roles of teacher and student, effective classroom management strategies, and successful evidence-based teaching and learning pedagogies, is to assist new and experienced teachers in the promotion of a positive classroom experience for all.
      28230  22938