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Title: Immigrants' social integration as a function of approach-avoidance orientation and problem-solving style
Contributor(s): Rubin, Mark (author); Watt, Susan E  (author)orcid ; Ramelli, Marcella (author)
Publication Date: 2012
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2011.12.009
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Abstract: Previous research has shown that immigrants' approach orientation positively predicts their attitudes towards contact with host nationals (Matschke & Sassenberg, 2010). The present research builds on this previous work by investigating the extent to which immigrants' independent vs. interdependent problem-solving style moderates the relation between approach-avoidance orientation and social integration. Interdependent problem-solvers rely on other people to achieve their goals. This interdependence was expected to reduce the influence of approach-avoidance orientation on integration amongst immigrants. Immigrants to Australia (N = 137) completed a questionnaire that included measures of approach-avoidance orientation and problem-solving style. Participants also completed three measures of social integration: (1) proportion of Australian friends, (2) feelings of inclusion in Australian society, and (3) satisfaction with employment, accommodation, and life in Australia. Consistent with previous research, there was a positive relation between approach and social integration and a negative relation between avoidance and social integration. Consistent with predictions, problem-solving style moderated the relation for approach orientation: Only immigrants who were independent problem-solvers showed a significant positive relation between approach and social integration. The results are discussed in relation to Gable's (2006) model of approach and avoidance social goals and motives, and the implications for immigration services are considered.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source of Publication: International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36(4), p. 498-505
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Place of Publication: United Kingdom
ISSN: 1873-7552
Fields of Research (FoR) 2008: 170113 Social and Community Psychology
Fields of Research (FoR) 2020: 420403 Psychosocial aspects of childbirth and perinatal mental health
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2008: 970117 Expanding Knowledge in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) 2020: 280121 Expanding knowledge in psychology
Peer Reviewed: Yes
HERDC Category Description: C1 Refereed Article in a Scholarly Journal
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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