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Title: Valuing Recognition of Prior Learning: Selected Case Studies of Australian Private Providers of Training
Contributor(s): Smith, L  (author)
Publication Date: 2004
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Abstract: The nature of work and employment is changing rapidly and pervasively. As a result, there is an increasing emphasis on lifelong formal and informal education and training as a critical componentin ensuring a highly skilled workforce that maintains and demonstrates currency of knowledge and skills. In this context, recognising the prior learning of students undertaking vocational education and training (VET) can make a significant contribution to providing the sort of responsive, relevant, and integrated learning necessary for the present and ongoing maintenance of a qualityAustralian workforce.This research uses a case study methodology designed around a series of interviews with key personnel to provide insight into the way eight registered private training providers from across Australiaunderstand, promote, use, support and value processes for the recognition of prior learning (RPL).
Publication Type: Book
Publisher: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
Place of Publication: Adelaide, Australia
ISBN: 1920895590
Fields of Research (FOR) 2008: 130108 Technical, Further and Workplace Education
HERDC Category Description: A1 Authored Book - Scholarly
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Extent of Pages: 31
Appears in Collections:Book
UNE Business School

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