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Type:  Conference Publication

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
122-Jul-2024Selection signature analyses identify genomic footprints in Lao native goatsLe, Van Sang ; de las Heras-Saldana, Sara ; Alexandri, Panoraia ; Olmo, Luisa ; Walkden-Brown, Stephen ; Van Der Werf, Julius 8-Aug-2024
222-Jul-2024Genome-wide association study and its impact on the accuracy of genomic prediction for live body weights in Australian Merino sheepVan Le, Sang ; Moghaddar, Nasir ; Van Der Werf, Julius H 8-Aug-2024
321-Nov-2023Genetic parameter for reproductive traits of genetic exchanged Landrace breed in VietnamLe, Van Sang ; Trinh, Son Hong23-Jul-2024
426-Jul-2023Genetic diversity of domestic goats from Central LaosLe, V S ; de las Heras-Saldana, S ; Alexandri, P ; Olmo, L ; Walkden-Brown, S W ; van der Werf, J H J 22-Aug-2023

Credit Name
Van Sang Le
Full Name
Le, Van Sang
Le, S.V
Lê, Sáng Văn
UNE Researcher ID
UNE Student ID
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Given Name
Middle Name
Preferred Given Name
Sang Le
School of Environmental and Rural Science
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