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Open Access:  UNE Green

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12024The dimensions of ‘forensic biosecurity’ in genetic and facial contextsKruger, Erin; Porter, Glenn ; Birch, Philip; Bizo, Lewis ; Kennedy, Michael 5-Sep-2024
2Sep-2022Use of a habituation-dishabituation test to determine canine olfactory sensitivityMoser, Ariella Y ; Brown, Wendy Y ; Bizo, Lewis A 17-Apr-2023
3Oct-2019Weber's Law and the Scalar Property of Timing: A Test of Canine TimingClif, Jessica H; Jackson, Surrey M K; McEwan, James S; Bizo, Lewis A 5-May-2022
419-Sep-2019Olfactory Generalization in Detector DogsMoser, Ariella Y ; Bizo, Lewis ; Brown, Wendy Y 10-Oct-2019
55-Jul-2019Food Preference Predicts Speed of Approach on a Runway Task by DogsCameron, Kristie E; De Garnham, Jane; Jensen, Kristeen; Bizo, Lewis A 4-May-2023
615-May-2019Use of the game-based learning platform KAHOOT! to facilitate learner engagement in Animal Science studentsCameron, Kristie E; Bizo, Lewis A 4-May-2022
72018Discrimination of Food Amounts by the Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris)McGuire, Katie; Bizo, Lewis A ; McBride, E Anne; Kocek, Tara B 20-Apr-2023

Credit Name
Lewis Bizo
Full Name
Bizo, Lewis
Bizo, Lewis A
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
Web of Science profile key
School of Psychology
Faculty of Medicine and Health
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Psychology
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