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Publication Date:  [2020 TO 2024]

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
12024The dimensions of ‘forensic biosecurity’ in genetic and facial contextsKruger, Erin; Porter, Glenn ; Birch, Philip; Bizo, Lewis ; Kennedy, Michael 5-Sep-2024
214-Feb-2023The Application of Forensic Artists to Produce Facial Likenesses from Poor Quality Surveillance ImagesSpiteri, Vanessa Rose ; Porter, Glenn ; Bizo, Lewis ; Wise, Jenny 9-Sep-2024
32023Differences between meditators and non-meditators in mindfulness, its components and related qualitiesSomaraju, Lakshmi Haranath ; Bizo, Lewis A ; Temple, Elizabeth C ; Cocks, Bernadine 18-Jun-2021
42023Brief mindfulness meditation: Can it make a real difference?Somaraju, Lakshmi Haranath; Temple, Elizabeth C ; Bizo, Lewis A ; Cocks, Bernadine 24-Jun-2021
52023Reawakening criminology: the importance of scientific method and inquiry in policing practiceBirch, Philip; Kruger, Erin; Porter, Glenn ; Bizo, Lewis A ; Kennedy, Michael 7-May-2024
6Sep-2022Use of a habituation-dishabituation test to determine canine olfactory sensitivityMoser, Ariella Y ; Brown, Wendy Y ; Bizo, Lewis A 17-Apr-2023
7Jan-2021The role of Weber's law in human time perceptionHaigh, Andrew; Apthorp, Deborah ; Bizo, Lewis A 22-Nov-2020
82021Association of mindfulness with psychological distress and life satisfaction in Western and Eastern meditatorsSomaraju, Lakshmi Haranath ; Temple, Elizabeth C ; Bizo, Lewis A ; Cocks, Bernadine 15-May-2023
924-Jul-2020Behavioural Variability and Sequence Learning Across Species: Hens, Possums, and HumansDoolan, Kathleen Elizabeth; Dunstan, Debra ; Bizo, Lewis ; McEwan, James4-Jan-2024
1010-Jul-2020Behavioural Variability and Sequence Learning Across Species: Hens, Possums, and Humans - DatasetDoolan, Kathleen; Dunstan, Debra ; Bizo, Lewis ; McEwan, James2-Sep-2024
11Jul-2020Short video game play improves executive function in the oldest old living in residential careMcCord, Alex; Cocks, Bernadine ; Barreiros, Ana Rita; Bizo, Lewis A 7-Apr-2021
122-Apr-2020Sniffing out Insect Invaders: Investigating the Feasibility of Using Detector Dogs to Detect High-Risk Insect PestsMoser, Ariella ; Brown, Wendy ; Bizo, Lewis ; Andrew, Nigel 8-Jan-2024
13Mar-2020Biosecurity Dogs Detect Live Insects after Training with Odor-Proxy Training Aids: Scent Extract and Dead SpecimensMoser, Ariella Y ; Brown, Wendy Y ; Bizo, Lewis A ; Andrew, Nigel R ; Taylor, Michelle K 17-Nov-2021
14Mar-2020A jump to the left and a step to the right: A test of two accounts of peak shiftGallaghar, Nicole J; Provost, Steve; Bizo, Lewis 5-May-2022

Credit Name
Lewis Bizo
Full Name
Bizo, Lewis
Bizo, Lewis A
UNE Researcher ID
Position Title
Adjunct Professor
Web of Science profile key
School of Psychology
Faculty of Medicine and Health
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Given Name
Preferred Given Name
School of Psychology
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