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Open Access:  UNE Green

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
126-Oct-2023Thermal Biology of Two Burrowing Arid Zone Species: The Great Desert Skink (Liopholis Kintorei) and the Brush-tailed Mulgara (Dasycerus Blythi)Campbell, Martin Ian; Czenze, Zenon ; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Paltridge, Rachel6-Nov-2023
216-Jun-2023Rare and Opportunistic Use of Torpor in Mammals—An Echo from the Past?Nowack, Julia ; Stawski, Clare ; Geiser, Fritz ; Levesque, Danielle L12-Sep-2024
32022Thermal biology and roost selection of free-ranging male little forest bats, Vespadelus vulturnus, during winterChenery, Melissa; Geiser, Fritz ; Stawski, Clare 10-Sep-2024
42022Hypothesis and Theory: A Two-Process Model of Torpor-Arousal Regulation in HibernatorsRuf, Thomas; Giroud, Sylvain; Geiser, Fritz 10-Sep-2024
516-Dec-2021Heterothermy in a Small Passerine: Eastern Yellow Robins Use Nocturnal Torpor in WinterAharon-Rotman, Yaara ; McEvoy, John F; Beckmann, Christa ; Geiser, Fritz 31-Mar-2022
620-May-2020Seasonal Expression of Avian and Mammalian Daily Torpor and Hibernation: Not a Simple Summer-Winter AffairGeiser, Fritz 21-Apr-2022
712-Feb-2020Growing Up in a Changing Climate: How Temperature Affects the Development of Morphological, Behavioral and Physiological Traits of a Marsupial MammalStawski, Clare ; Geiser, Fritz 22-Apr-2022
8Feb-2020Responding to the weather: energy budgeting by a small mammal in the wildHume, Taylor; Geiser, Fritz ; Currie, Shannon E; Körtner, Gerhard ; Stawski, Clare 22-Apr-2022
923-Dec-2019The Burramys Project: a conservationist's reach should exceed history's grasp, or what is the fossil record for?Archer, Michael; Bates, Hayley; Hand, Suzanne J; Evans, Trevor; Broome, Linda; McAllan, Bronwyn ; Geiser, Fritz ; Jackson, Stephen; Myers, Troy; Gillespie, Anna; Palmer, Chris; Hawke, Tahneal; Horn, Alexis M29-Apr-2022
1011-Nov-2019Thermal physiology and activity in relation to reproductive status and sex in a free-ranging semelparous marsupialParker, Cassandra A; Geiser, Fritz ; Stawski, Clare 26-Apr-2022
1124-Apr-2019Precocious Torpor in an Altricial Mammal and the Functional Implications of Heterothermy During DevelopmentGeiser, Fritz ; Wen, Jing; Sukhchuluun, Gansukh; Chi, Qing-Sheng; Wang, De-Hua26-Apr-2022
122018A burning question: what are the risks and benefits of mammalian torpor during and after fires?Geiser, Fritz ; Stawski, Clare ; Doty, Anna C ; Cooper, Christine E; Nowack, Julia 21-Apr-2022
132018Geographical variation in the standard physiology of brushtail possums (Trichosurus): implications for conservation translocationsCooper, Christine E; Withers, Philip C; Munns, Suzanne L; Geiser, Fritz ; Buttemer, William A28-Apr-2022
142-Nov-2017Phoenix from the Ashes: Fire, Torpor, and the Evolution of Mammalian EndothermyGeiser, Fritz ; Stawski, Clare ; Wacker, Chris B ; Nowack, Julia 28-Apr-2022
152015Cardiorespiratory function and metabolism of heterothermic batsCurrie, Shannon; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 8-Jan-2016
162014Torpor and thermal energetics in Australian arid zone batsBondarenco, Artiom; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 24-Apr-2015
172011Ecology and thermal physiology of an insectivorous bat restricted to subtropical and tropical AustraliaStawski, Clare ; Geiser, Fritz ; Turbill, Christopher 15-Apr-2011
182008Behavioural ecology and thermal physiology of Australian Owlet-Nightjars ('Aegotheles cristatus')Doucette, Lisa; Geiser, Fritz ; Brigham, Mark; Pavey, Chris22-Oct-2009
192007Ecology, energetics and thermal biology of sugar glidersChristian, Nereda Geraldine; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 2-Sep-2010
202001Torpor in free-ranging Tawny Frogmouths (Podargus strigoides)Koertner, G ; Brigham, RM; Geiser, F 9-May-2008
211999Metabolism and thermoregulation in the sugar glider, 'Petaurus breviceps' (Marsupialia)Holloway, Joanne Clare; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Cairns, Stuart 20-Dec-2010
221998Thermal and metabolic strategies of two marsupials, 'Sminthopsis macroura' and 'Cercartetus nanus': A physiological comparison between daily torpor and hibernationSong, Xiaowei; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 7-Dec-2010
231997The environmental physiology of the scorpion 'Urodacus manicatus' (Thorell) (Scorpionidae)Holden, Chris; Geiser, Fritz ; Cairns, Stuart 18-Oct-2010

Credit Name
Fritz Geiser
Full Name
Geiser, Fritz
Geiser, F
UNE Researcher ID
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School of E&RS - Zoology
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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School of Environmental and Rural Science
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