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Author:  Körtner, Gerhard

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)Date Added
126-Oct-2023Thermal Biology of Two Burrowing Arid Zone Species: The Great Desert Skink (Liopholis Kintorei) and the Brush-tailed Mulgara (Dasycerus Blythi)Campbell, Martin Ian; Czenze, Zenon ; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Paltridge, Rachel6-Nov-2023
23-Mar-2023Thermal biology of two burrowing arid zone species: The Great desert skink (Liopholis kintorei) and the Mulgara (Dasycerus blythi) - DatasetCampbell, Martin ; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Paltridge, Rachel; Czenze, Zenon 6-Nov-2023
32023Flexible Employment of Torpor in Squirrel Gliders (Petaurus norfolcensis): An Adaptation to Unpredictable Climate?Dausmann, Kathrin H; Körtner, Gerhard ; Aharon-Rotman, Yaara ; Currie, Shannon E; Geiser, Fritz 4-Jan-2023
4Jun-2022Small Alpine Marsupials Regulate Evaporative Water Loss, Suggesting a Thermoregulatory Role Rather than a Water Conservation RoleCarew Withers, Philip; Elizabeth Cooper, Christine; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 20-Jun-2024
5Nov-2020Do small precocial birds enter torpor to conserve energy during development?Aharon-Rotman, Yaara ; Körtner, Gerhard ; Wacker, Chris B ; Geiser, Fritz 26-Mar-2021
6Oct-2020Does control of insensible evaporative water loss by two species of mesic parrot have a thermoregulatory role?Cooper, Christine Elizabeth; Withers, Philip Carew; Körtner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 21-Apr-2022
7Feb-2020Responding to the weather: energy budgeting by a small mammal in the wildHume, Taylor; Geiser, Fritz ; Currie, Shannon E; Körtner, Gerhard ; Stawski, Clare 22-Apr-2022
8Aug-2019Does aridity affect spatial ecology? Scaling of home range size in small carnivorous marsupialsKörtner, Gerhard ; Trachtenberg, Aaron; Geiser, Fritz 27-Apr-2022
92019Hibernation and daily torpor in Australian and New Zealand bats: does the climate zone matter?Geiser, Fritz ; Bondarenco, Artiom; Currie, Shannon E; Doty, Anna C ; Körtner, Gerhard ; Law, Bradley S; Pavey, Chris R ; Riek, Alexander; Stawski, Clare ; Turbill, Christopher ; Willis, Craig K R; Brigham, R Mark29-Apr-2022
102019Roost use and thermoregulation by female Australian long-eared bats (Nyctophilus geoffroyi and N. gouldi) during pregnancy and lactationTurbill, Christopher ; Körtner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 6-Apr-2022
1110-Oct-2018Trophic ecology of marsupial predators in arid Australia following reshaping of predator assemblagesPavey, Chris R; Burwell, Chris J; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 29-Apr-2022
121-Feb-2018Physiological and behavioral responses of an arboreal mammal to smoke and charcoal-ash substrateNowack, Julia ; Stawski, Clare ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 21-Apr-2022
1327-Oct-2017Thermal Energetics of Dunnarts (Marsupialia) in Relation to Development, Insulation, Torpor Expression and BaskingWacker, Christine ; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 17-Jan-2024
14Oct-2017The role of basking in the development of endothermy and torpor in a marsupialWacker, Chris B ; McAllan, Bronwyn M ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 21-Apr-2022
1517-May-2017Post-fire recovery of torpor and activity patterns of a small mammalStawski, Clare ; Hume, Taylor; Koertner, Gerhard ; Currie, Shannon E; Nowack, Julia ; Geiser, Fritz 26-Apr-2022
16Jan-2017A new cue for torpor induction: charcoal, ash and smokeStawski, Clare ; Nowack, Julia ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 22-Apr-2022
172017Heart rate dynamics in a marsupial hibernatorSwoap, Steven J; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 27-Apr-2022
182017Torpor and basking after a severe wildfire: mammalian survival strategies in a scorched landscapeMatthews, Jaya K; Stawski, Clare ; Körtner, Gerhard ; Parker, Cassandra A; Geiser, Fritz 23-Jan-2017
192016Phenotypic plasticity of post-fire activity and thermal biology of a free-ranging small mammalStawski, Clare ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Nowack, Julia ; Geiser, Fritz 18-Jan-2017
202016Why is the marsupial kaluta, 'Dasykaluta rosamondae', diurnally active in winter: Foraging advantages or predator avoidance in arid northern Australia?Pavey, Chris R; Burwell, Chris J; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 14-Feb-2017
212016The functional requirements of mammalian hair: a compromise between crypsis and thermoregulation?Wacker, Chris; McAllan, Bronwyn M; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 14-Feb-2017
222016Activity patterns and torpor in two free-ranging carnivorous marsupials in arid Australia in relation to precipitation, reproduction, and ground coverKoertner, Gerhard ; Riek, Alexander; Pavey, Chris R; Geiser, Fritz 28-Apr-2017
232016How to keep cool in a hot desert: Torpor in two species of free-ranging bats in summerBondarenco, Artiom; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 20-Feb-2017
242015Cardiorespiratory function and metabolism of heterothermic batsCurrie, Shannon; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 8-Jan-2016
252015Thermal biology and activity patterns of antechinus (Marsupialia) in relation to reproductionRojas, Ana Daniella; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 8-Jan-2016
262015The importance of mammalian torpor for survival in a post-fire landscapeStawski, Clare ; Koertner, Gerhard ; Nowack, Julia ; Geiser, Fritz 18-Jan-2017
272015Physiological and behavioural responses of a small heterothermic mammal to fire stimuliStawski, Clare ; Matthews, Jaya K; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 18-Jan-2017
282015Measuring subcutaneous temperature and differential rates of rewarming from hibernation and daily torpor in two species of batsCurrie, Shannon E; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 21-Apr-2017
292015Snoozing through the storm: torpor use during a natural disasterNowack, Julia ; Rojas, A Daniella; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 2-May-2017
302014Torpor and thermal energetics in Australian arid zone batsBondarenco, Artiom; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 24-Apr-2015
312014Heart rate as a predictor of metabolic rate in heterothermic batsCurrie, Shannon; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 21-Nov-2014
322014Hot bats: extreme thermal tolerance in a desert heat waveBondarenco, Artiom; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 21-Nov-2014
332014Torpor in free-ranging antechinus: does it increase fitness?Rojas, A Daniella; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 25-Nov-2014
342013Some like it cold: summer torpor by freetail bats in the Australian arid zoneBondarenco, Artiom; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 26-Mar-2014
352012Cool running: locomotor performance at low body temperature in mammalsRojas, Ana Daniella; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 22-Jan-2013
362012Opportunistic hibernation by a free-ranging marsupialTurner, James M; Warnecke, Lisa; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 5-Feb-2013
372012Summer and winter torpor use by a free-ranging marsupialTurner, James M; Koertner, Gerhard ; Warnecke, Lisa; Geiser, Fritz 21-Feb-2013
382012Short-term movement patterns and diet of small dasyurid marsupials in semiarid AustraliaWarnecke, Lisa; Koertner, Gerhard ; Burwell, Chris J; Turner, James M; Geiser, Fritz 21-Feb-2013
392011Activity and torpor in two sympatric Australian desert marsupialsKoertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 7-Feb-2012
402010The physiological ecology and thermal biology of the western and eastern pygmy-possums ('Cercartetus' spp.)Turner, James Malcolm; Geiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 13-Dec-2010
412010Hibernation and daily torpor in Australian mammalsGeiser, Fritz ; Koertner, Gerhard 3-May-2011
422010Do implanted transmitters affect maximum running speed of two small marsupials?Rojas, Ana Daniella; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 23-May-2011
432010Thermobiology, energetics and activity patterns of the Eastern tube-nosed bat ('Nyctimene robinsoni') in the Australian tropics: effect of temperature and lunar cycleRiek, Alexander; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 23-May-2011
442010Thermal biology, torpor use and activity patterns of a small diurnal marsupial from a tropical desert: sexual differencesKoertner, Gerhard ; Rojas, Ana Daniella; Geiser, Fritz 23-May-2011
452009The key to winter survival: daily torpor in a small arid-zone marsupialKoertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 9-Mar-2010
462009Vertebrate diet decreases winter torpor use in a desert marsupialPavey, Chris R; Burwell, Chris J; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 9-Mar-2010
472008Torpor in marsupials: recent advancesGeiser, Fritz ; Christian, Nereda Geraldine ; Cooper, Christine E; Koertner, Gerhard ; McAllan, Bronwyn M; Pavey, Christoph R; Turner, James M; Warnecke, Lisa; Willis, Craig; Brigham, R Mark23-Jan-2012
482008Ecological physiology of a small arid zone marsupial in relation to its thermal environmentKoertner, Gerhard ; Pavey, Christoph R; Geiser, Fritz 23-Jan-2012
492008Thermal Biology, Torpor, and Activity in Free-Living Mulgaras in Arid Zone Australia during the Winter Reproductive SeasonKoertner, Gerhard ; Pavey, Christoph Robert; Geiser, Fritz 7-Dec-2009
502008Timing of the daily temperature cycle affects the critical arousal temperature and energy expenditure of lesser long-eared batsTurbill, Christopher; Koertner, Gerhard ; Geiser, Fritz 25-Nov-2009

Credit Name
Fritz Geiser
Full Name
Geiser, Fritz
Geiser, F
UNE Researcher ID
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School of E&RS - Zoology
Faculty of Science, Ag, Business and Law
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School of Environmental and Rural Science
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