Author(s) |
Baues, Hans Joachim
Bleile, Beatrice
Publication Date |
Abstract |
We describe an algebraic structure on chain complexes yielding algebraic models which classify homotopy types of PD⁴-complexes. Generalizing Turaev's fundamental triples of PD³-complexes we introduce fundamental triples of PDⁿ-complexes and show that two PDⁿ complexes are orientedly homotopy equivalent if and only if their fundamental triples are isomorphic. As applications we establish a conjecture of Turaev and obtain a criterion for the existence of degree 1 maps between n-dimensional manifolds.
Citation |
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, v.8, p. 2355-2389
Link | |
Publisher |
Mathematical Sciences Publishers
Title |
Poincaré duality complexes in dimension four
Type of document |
Journal Article
Entity Type |
Name | Size | format | Description | Link |