Author(s) |
Baues, Hans-Joachim
Bleile, Beatrice
Publication Date |
Abstract |
It is well-known how to compute the structure of the second homotopy group of a space, X, as a module over the fundamental group π₁X, using the homology of the universal cover and the Hurewicz isomorphism. We describe a new method to compute the third homotopy group, π₃X as a module over π₁X. Moreover, we determine π₃X as an extension of π₁X-modules derived from Whitehead's Certain Exact Sequence. Our method is based on the theory of quadratic modules. Explicit computations are carried out for pseudo-projective 3-spaces X=S¹Ue²Ue³ consisting of exactly one cell in each dimension ≤ 3.
Citation |
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 26(1-2), p. 165-189
Link | |
Publisher |
Title |
The third homotopy group as a π₁-module
Type of document |
Journal Article
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Name | Size | format | Description | Link |