Author(s) |
Prodromou, Theodosia
Publication Date |
Abstract |
This paper presents a case study of a group of pre-service teachers (age 21-52) as they work in a domain of stochastic abstraction to reason about "experimental" and "theoretical" perspectives. I am particularly interested in investigating whether preservice teachers could construct a bidirectional link between the data-centric and modelling perspectives on distribution, similar to the tentative model I introduced elsewhere for coordinating the two perspectives on distribution. In this study, we have seen echoes of these ideas in relation to experimental and theoretical probabilities. The results show students' movement between probabilities at the micro level and the shape of histograms at the macro level.
Citation |
Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, p. 1-10
Link | |
Publisher |
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME)
Title |
Connecting Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives
Type of document |
Conference Publication
Entity Type |
Name | Size | format | Description | Link |