Author(s) |
McCormick, Steve
Publication Date |
Abstract |
We consider two cases of the asymptotically flat scalar-flat Yamabe problem on a non-compact manifold with inner boundary in dimension n ≥ 3. First, following arguments of Cantor and Brill in the compact case, we show that given an asymptotically flat metric g, there is a conformally equivalent asymptotically flat scalar-flat metric that agrees with g on the boundary. We then replace the metric boundary condition with a condition on the mean curvature: given a function f on the boundary that is not too large, we show that there is an asymptotically flat scalar-flat metric, conformally equivalent to g whose boundary mean curvature is given by f. The latter case involves solving an elliptic PDE with critical exponent using the method of sub- and supersolutions. Both results require the usual assumption that the Sobolev quotient is positive.
Citation |
Journal of Geometric Analysis, 27(3), p. 2269-2277
Link | |
Publisher |
Springer New York LLC
Title |
The Asymptotically Flat Scalar-Flat Yamabe Problem with Boundary
Type of document |
Journal Article
Entity Type |
Name | Size | format | Description | Link |